Section 4901:5-5-04 - Forecasts for electric transmission owners(A) General guidelines. The electric transmission owner shall provide or cause to be provided data on the use of its transmission lines and facilities. (1) The forecast shall include data on all existing transmission lines and associated facilities of one hundred twenty-five kilovolts (kV) and above as defined by the commission, for year zero to year ten.(2) The forecast shall include data on all planned transmission lines and associated facilities of one hundred twenty-five kilovolts (kV) and above as well as substantial planned additions to, and replacement of existing facilities, as defined by the commission for year zero to year ten.(3) The reporting electric transmission owner shall be prepared to supply to the commission on demand, additional data and maps of transmission lines and facilities, including diagrams and analysis using system planning tools. To the extent the information sought from electric transmission owners in this rule contains critical energy infrastructure information, such information may remain at the reporting person's premises, but subject to inspection and review at the request of the commission's staff, unless the commission staff determines it necessary to take possession.(B) Transmission energy data and peak demand forecast forms. The electric transmission owner's forecast shall be submitted in an electronic form prescribed by the commission or its staff which are as follows:
(1) Form FE-T1: "Transmission Energy Delivery Forecast."(2) Form FE-T2: "System Seasonal Peak Load Forecast."(3) Form FE-T3: "Total Monthly Energy Forecast."(4) Form FE-T4: "Monthly Peak Internal Load Forecast."(5) Form FE-T5: "Monthly Energy Transactions for the Most Recent Year."(6) Form FE-T6: "Conditions at Time of Monthly Peak."(7) Form FE-T7: "Characteristics of Existing Transmission Lines."(8) Form FE-T8: "Summary of Existing Substations on Transmission Lines."(9) Form FE-T9: "Specifications of Planned Transmission Lines."(10) Form FE-T10: "Summary of Proposed Substations."(C) Substantiation of the planned transmission system. The reporting electric transmission owner shall submit a substantiation of transmission development plans, including:
(1) Description and transcription diagrams of the base case load flow studies of the transmission owner's transmission system in Ohio, one for the current year and one as projected either three or five years into the future, and provide base case load flow studies in electronic form in PSSE format along with transcription diagrams for the base cases.(2) A tabulation of and transcription diagrams for a representative number of contingency cases studied along with brief statements concerning the results.(3) Analysis of proposed solutions to problems identified in paragraph (C)(2) of this rule.(4) Adequacy of the electric transmission owner's transmission system to withstand natural disasters and overload conditions.(5) Analysis of the electric transmission owner's transmission system to permit power interchange with neighboring systems.(6) A diagram showing the electric transmission owner's import and export transfer capabilities and identifying the limiting element(s) during each season of the reporting period. In addition, the reporting electric transmission owner will provide a listing of transmission loading relief (TLR) procedures called during the last two seasons for which actual data are available. That listing may include only those TLRs called as a result of a transmission limit on the reporting electric transmission owner's transmission system. For each TLR event, the listing shall include the maximum level, and the duration at the maximum level, and the magnitude (in MW) of the power curtailments.(7) A description of any studies regarding transmission system improvement, including, but not limited to, any studies of the potential for reducing line losses, thermal loading, and low voltage, and for improving access to alternative energy resources.(8) A switching diagram of the transmission network.(D) Regional and bulk power requirements. To avoid the inefficiencies associated with having each electric transmission owner report this data, the electric transmission owners may have the regional transmission system operator submit a single report on their behalf. This information shall be provided as soon as it becomes available. Data provided to the commission concerning the electric transmission owner's existing and planned bulk power transmission system (one hundred kV and above) shall include the following:
(1) The most recent regional power existing facilities and an authorized map.(2) A plan on the bulk power transmission network of the region in service (total certified territory of the companies in the region including out-of-state certified territories) at the time of the report, including interfaces with adjoining regions.(3) Regional transmission system power interchange matrix.(4) A transmission diagram and a summary of the load flow base case studies of the bulk power network of the region as it now exists at the time of reporting.(5) A plan of the bulk power transmission network of the region (including interties with adjoining regions) and the general routing of facilities committed or tentatively projected for service within ten years, including identification of principal substations, operating voltages, and projected in-service dates.(6) A list and diagram showing transmission constraints of the bulk power transmission network, including interconnections.Ohio Admin. Code 4901:5-5-04
Effective: 6/5/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 05/25/2028
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: R.C. 4935.04, 4901.13
Rule Amplifies: R.C. 4935.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/20/1987, 01/15/1990, 08/17/1990, 09/18/2000, 05/31/2007, 12/10/2009, 08/31/2017