Chapter 4901:1-11 - Electric Fuel Component Rate
- Section 4901:1-11-01 - Definitions. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-02 - Operating Procedures. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-03 - Electric fuel component rate. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-04 - Fuel component. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-05 - Ohio coal research and development component. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-06 - Reconciliation adjustment. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-07 - System loss adjustment. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-08 - Cost not to be included in the calculation of the electric fuel component rate. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-09 - Reporting requirements. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-10 - Audits. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-11 - Hearings. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-12 - Effective charges. [Rescinded]
- Section 4901:1-11-13 - Tariffs. [Rescinded]