Chapter 4729-12 - Ephedrine and Ephedrine-Containing Products
- Section 4729-12-01 - Definition of ephedrine
- Section 4729-12-02 - [Rescinded] Registration and licensure
- Section 4729-12-03 - [Rescinded] Security, storage, and sale
- Section 4729-12-04 - [Rescinded] Inventory
- Section 4729-12-05 - [Rescinded] Records
- Section 4729-12-08 - [Rescinded] Petitions for exception of ephedrine-containing products
- Section 4729-12-09 - [Rescinded] Exceptions
- Section 4729-12-10 - [Rescinded] Criteria to be considered in denying a petition for exemption or removing a drug product exemption