Chapter 4723-27 - Medication Administration by Certified Medication Aide
- Section 4723-27-01 - Definitions
- Section 4723-27-02 - Standards of safe medication administration by a certified medication aide
- Section 4723-27-03 - Delegation of medication administration to certified medication aides
- Section 4723-27-04 - Medication aide certification
- Section 4723-27-05 - Renewal of a medication aide certificate
- Section 4723-27-06 - Continuing education requirements
- Section 4723-27-07 - Medication aide training programs
- Section 4723-27-08 - Standard minimum curriculum for medication aide programs
- Section 4723-27-09 - Disciplinary actions against certified medication aides; investigations
- Section 4723-27-10 - Fees
- Section 4723-27-11 - Medication aide certification by endorsement
- Section 4723-27-12 - [Rescinded] Pilot program application
- Section 4723-27-13 - [Rescinded] Utilization of certified medication aides by pilot program participants
- Section 4723-27-14 - [Rescinded] Pilot program data reporting and evaluation