Section 4715-9-01.1 - Administration of local anesthesia; education and examination requirementsEach licensed dental hygienist seeking to administer intraoral block and infiltration local anesthesia to a patient in accordance with rule 4715-9-01 of the Administrative Code must have completed a basic life-support training course certified by the American heart association, the American red cross or the American safety and health institute, and remain current at all times when administering local anesthesia. In order to administer intraoral block and infiltration local anesthesia the dental hygienist must have completed the requirements set forth in sections 4715.23 and 4715.23 1 of the Revised Code and the education and examination requirements set forth in paragraph (A) or (B) of this rule.
(A) The dental hygienist has successfully completed the following educational and examination requirements: (1) The dental hygienist has successfully completed a board-approved course in the administration of local anesthesia which meets the requirements set forth in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (C) of section 4715.231 of the Revised Code that is offered by a dental or dental hygiene program accredited by the American dental association commission on dental accreditation. The board-approved course may be offered as continuing education or as part of a curriculum for graduation; and (2) Within eighteen months of completion of the local anesthesia education and training, the dental hygienist has successfully passed the Northeast regional board of dental examiners, inc. local anesthesia examination for dental hygienists or an equivalent examination approved by the board. (B) The dental hygienist is authorized to administer local anesthesia by another state's licensing authority with jurisdiction over the practice of dental hygiene and meets the following requirements: (1) The dental hygienist has successfully completed a course or instruction that is substantially equivalent, as determined by the board, to the required hours and content of the course described in division (C) of section 4715.231 of the Revised Code; or (2) The dental hygienist maintains documentation satisfactory to the board that they have obtained, within forty-eight months immediately preceding the date of application for dental hygiene licensure in the state of Ohio, twenty-four consecutive months of experience in the administration of local anesthesia in the other state where the dental hygienist is authorized to administer local anesthesia. Completion of basic life-support and all education and examination requirements for the administration of local anesthesia shall be documented on a form supplied by the board, with any necessary supporting information attached. This form shall be maintained in the facility(s) where the dental hygienist is working. The board retains the right and authority, upon notification, to audit, monitor or request evidence demonstrating adherence to Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code and/or agency 4715 of the Administrative Code.
Ohio Admin. Code 4715-9-01.1
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/1/2021 and 10/01/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4715.03, 4715.23
Rule Amplifies: 4715.23, 4715.231
Prior Effective Dates: 12/24/2010Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/27/2016 and 09/25/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4715.03, 4715.23
Rule Amplifies: 4715.23, 4715.231
Prior Effective Dates: 12/24/2010