Section 4715-11-03 - Certified assistant; functions; education, training and supervision requirements(A) A licensed dentist may assign to certified assistants under the dentist's direct supervision and full responsibility those basic remediable intra-oral dental tasks and/or procedures as defined in rule 4715-11-02 of the Administrative Code.(B) A licensed dentist may assign to currently certified assistants under the dentist's direct supervision and full responsibility the following dental tasks and/or procedures in addition to those basic remediable intra-oral dental tasks and/or procedures as defined in rule 4715-11-02 of the Administrative Code: (1) "Pit and fissure sealants" - The certified assistant may apply pit and fissure sealants if all the following requirements are met: (a) The dental assistant has successfully completed a course in the application of sealants consisting of at least two hours of didactic instruction and six hours of clinical instruction through a program provided by an institution accredited by the American dental association commission on dental accreditation or a program provided by a sponsor of continuing education approved by the board; and(b) The dentist evaluates the patient and designates the teeth and surfaces that will benefit from the application of sealant on the day the application is to be performed; and(c) The dentist supervising the assistant has observed the assistant successfully apply at least six sealants; and(d) The dentist supervising the assistant checks and approves the application of all sealants placed by the assistant before the patient leaves the location where the sealant application procedure is performed.(2) "Coronal polishing" - The certified assistant may perform polishing of the enamel and restorations on the anatomical crowns of human teeth by utilizing only a combination of a polishing agent, a slow speed hand piece, a prophy angle and a rubber cup, if all the following requirements are met:(a) The dental assistant receives a certificate from the board authorizing the assistant to engage in coronal polishing activities pursuant to completion of the education, training, assessment and examination requirements set forth in division (B) of section 4715.39 of the Revised Code and rule 4715-11-03.1 of the Administrative Code; and(b) The polishing is performed only after the supervising dentist has evaluated the patient and any calculus detected on the teeth to be polished has been removed by a dentist or dental hygienist; and(c) The dentist supervising the assistant supervises not more than two dental assistants engaging in polishing activities at any given time. Nothing in paragraph (B)(2) of this rule authorizes the mechanical removal of calculus or authorizes a certified assistant to perform a complete oral prophylaxis.
Ohio Admin. Code 4715-11-03
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/1/2021 and 10/01/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4715.39
Rule Amplifies: 4715.39
Prior Effective Dates: 09/28/2004, 11/13/2006, 12/24/2010, 10/01/2016Effective: 10/1/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 06/24/2016 and 08/01/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4715.39
Rule Amplifies: 4715.39
Prior Effective Dates: 09-28-04, 11-13-06, 12/24/10