(A) Application fee - the fee for making application for registration under section 4703.07 of the Revised Code is fifty dollars.(B) Certificate fee - the fee for a duplicate certificate of qualification to practice architecture is twenty dollars. (C) Renewal fee - the biennial renewal fee for a certificate of qualification is one hundred twenty-five dollars.(D) Penalty fee - the penalty fee is twenty-five per cent per renewal period and shall be applied to late renewals and restorations, provided the maximum fee does not exceed one thousand dollars.(E) Reciprocal registration fee - the fee for reciprocal registration under section 4703.08 of the Revised Code shall be two hundred fifty dollars.(F) Certificate of authorization fees - the application fee for a certificate of authorization is one hundred twenty-five dollars. The renewal fee for a certificate of authorization is one hundred dollars.(G) Elicense fee - any payment of fees may be subject to a nominal transaction fee as charged to the board for the use of its electronic eLicensing system.(H) Criminal conviction review - the fee to review a potential applicant's criminal conviction to determine eligibility for registration under section 9.78 of the Revised Code shall be twenty-five dollars.Ohio Admin. Code 4703-1-04
Effective: 7/25/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/30/2021 and 01/01/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4703.02
Rule Amplifies: 4703.15, 4703.16
Prior Effective Dates: 06/25/1990, 04/15/1992, 11/01/1994, 12/01/1995, 06/05/2000, 04/15/2001, 07/29/2005, 11/18/2005, 09/05/2008, 11/09/2009, 06/19/2010, 01/10/2015