Chapter 4141-27 - Application for Benefits
- Section 4141-27-01 - [Rescinded] Application for determination of benefit rights
- Section 4141-27-04 - Filing claims for benefits
- Section 4141-27-05 - Time limitation for filing claim for benefits within the benefit year
- Section 4141-27-06 - Deferred reporting. [Rescinded]
- Section 4141-27-08 - Corrected determinations and decisions. [Rescinded]
- Section 4141-27-09 - Requests for redetermination and appeal
- Section 4141-27-10 - Timeliness of appeals
- Section 4141-27-11 - Establishing benefit year beginning date and additional reporting. [Rescinded]
- Section 4141-27-12 - Uniform process for submitting a complaint