Ohio Admin. Code 4123:1-5-16
Under no condition will acetylene be generated, piped (except in approved cylinder manifolds), or utilized at a pressure in excess of fifteen pounds per square inch gauge pressure.
Only approved equipment, such as torches, regulators, or pressure-reducing valves, acetylene generators, manifolds, cylinders, and containers will be used.
Compressed gas cylinders will be legibly marked, for the purpose of identifying the gas content, with either the chemical or the trade name of the gas. Such marking will be by means of stenciling, stamping, or labeling and will not be readily removed.
Welders and cutters will be instructed to close valves on oxygen and acetylene cylinders and bleed off hose pressure at the end of each workshift, to prevent malfunction of the regulators.
When cylinders are hoisted, they will be secured on a cradle, slingboard, or pallet. They will not be hoisted or transported by means of magnets or choker slings.
The employer will provide facilities for securely fastening cylinders of compressed gas in an upright position.
The color red will be used for acetylene and other fuel gas hose. The color green will be used for oxygen hose. The color black will be used for inert gas and air hose.
Any length of hose in which a flashback has occurred and burned in the hose will be taken out of service. Flash-back protection will be provided by an approved device that will prevent flame from passing into the fuel-gas system.
The use of a single hose having more than one gas passage, in which a wall failure would permit the flow of one gas into the other gas passage, is not permitted.
When parallel lengths of oxygen and acetylene hoses are taped together for convenience and to prevent tangling, not more than four inches out of twelve inches will be covered by tape.
Hose showing leaks, burns, worn places, or other defects rendering it unfit for service will have the damaged portion removed, repaired or replaced.
Only approved electric welding equipment will be used.
No connections for portable control devices such as push buttons to be carried by the operator will be connected to an alternating current circuit of higher than one hundred twenty volts. Exposed metal parts of portable control devices operating on circuits above fifty volts will be grounded by a grounding conductor in the control cable.
Installation, including power supply, will be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
Proper switching equipment for shutting down the machine will be provided.
Electrode holders when not in use will be so placed that they cannot make electrical contact with persons, conducting objects, fuel or compressed gas tanks.
Cables with splices within ten feet of the holder will not be used.
The operator will report any equipment or defect or safety hazard to his supervisor and the use of the equipment will be discontinued until its safety has been assured. Repairs will be made only by authorized qualified personnel.
Cables with damaged insulation or exposed bare conductors will be replaced. Joining lengths of work and electrode cables will be done by the use of connecting means specifically intended for the purpose. The connecting means will have insulation adequate for the service conditions.
Ignition tubes used in resistance welding equipment will be equipped with a thermal protection switch.
Controls of all automatic or air and hydraulic clamps will be arranged or guarded to prevent the operator from accidentally activating them.
All external weld initiating control circuits will operate on low voltage, not over one hundred twenty volts.
Stored energy or capacitor discharge type of resistance welding equipment and control panels involving high voltage (over five hundred fifty volts) will be insulated and protected by complete enclosures, all doors of which will be provided with interlocks and contacts wired into the control circuit (similar to elevator interlocks). Such interlocks or contacts will be so designed as to interrupt power and short circuit all capacitors when the door or panel is open. A manually operated switch or positive device will be installed, in addition to the mechanical interlocks or contacts, as an added safety measure assuring absolute discharge of all capacitors.
All doors and access panels of all resistance welding machines and control panels will be kept locked and interlocked to prevent access by unauthorized employees, to live portions of the equipment.
All press welding machine operations, where there is a possibility of the operator's fingers being under the point of operation, will be guarded by the use of a device such as an electronic eye safety circuit, two-hand controls or protection similar to that prescribed for power press operations (see rule 4123:1-5-10 of the Administrative Code).
Means will be provided at each machine, within easy reach of the operator, for disengaging it from its power supply. This does not apply to rolling departments of iron and steel mills nor to electrical power generation or conversion equipment.
The employer will provide and enforce the use of safety blocks or pins so that whenever safety blocks or pins are inserted in the platen or ram, the press becomes inoperative.
The secondary of all welding transformers used in multi-spot, projection, and seam welding machines will be grounded. This may be done by permanently grounding one side of the welding secondary current circuit, or a center tapped grounding reactor connected across the secondary or the use of a safety disconnect switch in conjunction with the welding control are acceptable alternatives. Safety disconnect will be arranged to open both sides of the line when welding current is not present.
All portable welding guns will have counterbalancing devices for supporting the gun unless the design of the gun makes counterbalancing unnecessary.
All portable welding guns, transformers and related equipment that is suspended from overhead structures, I-beams, trolleys, etc., will be equipped with safety chains or cables. Safety chains or cables will be capable of supporting the total shock load in the event of failure of any component of the supporting system.
When trolleys are used to support portable welding equipment, with a forged steel clevis for the attachment of safety chains, each clevis will be capable of supporting the total shock load of the suspended equipment in the event of trolley failure.
All initiating switches located on the portable welding gun will be equipped with guards capable of preventing accidental initiation through contact with fixturing, operator's clothing, etc. Initiating switch voltage will not exceed twenty-four volts.
The secondary and the case of all portable welding transformers shall be grounded. Secondary grounding shall be by:
Butt welding machines will be equipped with a hood to control flying flash. In cases of high production, where materials may contain a film of oil and where toxic elements and metal fumes are given off, ventilation will be provided in accordance with rule 4123:1-5-18 of the Administrative Code.
No welding, cutting, or work utilizing a torch will be performed on used drums, barrels, tanks, or other containers until they have been cleaned and purged of materials which when subjected to heat might produce flammable or toxic vapors.
See rule 4123:1-5-17 of the Administrative Code, "Personal protective equipment."
Ohio Admin. Code 4123:1-5-16
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/1/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4121.12, 4121.121, 4121.13
Rule Amplifies: 4121.47
Prior Effective Dates: 04/01/1964, 08/01/1977, 04/01/1999, 04/10/2011, 02/01/2022