Ohio Admin. Code 4123:1-5-11
Every steam or airhammer will have a safety cylinder head to act as a cushion if the rod should break or pull out of the ram.
Steam hammers will be provided with a quick closing emergency valve in the admission pipe line at a convenient location. This valve will be closed and locked in the off position while the hammer is being adjusted, repaired, or serviced, or when the dies are being changed.
The steam hammer cylinder will be constructed with a self-draining arrangement, or a quick-acting type drain cock will be provided, which should be piped to a sump or drain pipe. If it discharges into the air, it will be located so as not to endanger employees.
Table 11-1
Strength and Dimension for Wood Ram Props
Size of timber inches (1) | Square inches in cross section | Minimum allowable crushing strength parallel to grain p.s.i. (2) | Maximum static load within short column range (3) | Safety factor | Maximum recommended weight of forging hammer for timber used | Maximum allowable length of timber, inches |
4x4 | 16 | 5,000 | 80,000 | 10 | 8,000 | 44 |
6x6 | 36 | 5,000 | 180,000 | 10 | 18,000 | 66 |
8x8 | 64 | 5,000 | 320,000 | 10 | 32,000 | 88 |
10x10 | 100 | 5,000 | 500,000 | 10 | 50,000 | 100 |
12x12 | 144 | 5,000 | 720,000 | 10 | 72,000 | 132 |
Footnote(1) Actual dimension.
Footnote(2) Adapted from U.S. department of agriculture technical bulletin 479. Hardwoods recommended are those whose ultimate crushing strengths in compression parallel to grain are five thousand p.s.i. (pounds per square inch) or greater.
Footnote(3) Slenderness ratio formula for short columns is L/d=11, where L=length of timber in inches and d=least dimension in inches; this ratio should not exceed eleven.
Air-lift hammers will be provided with two drain cocks; one on main head cylinder, and one on clamp cylinder.
A suitable enclosure will be provided to prevent damaged or detached boards from falling. The board enclosure will be securely fastened to the hammer.
Means will be provided to prevent releasing lever from falling in case the front rod or releasing lever breaks.
Means will be provided to prevent the front rod (friction rod) from falling in case it breaks.
A screen or other guard will be installed over the workplace of hammer operator at the normal operating position.
Means will be provided to prevent the board clamp rod from falling in case it breaks.
The employer will provide and require the use of safety blocks for use whenever dies are being adjusted or repaired in all forging presses.
On mechanically-operated hammers where only one hand is used for holding the material, a safety stop, dog, or catch will be provided which prevents the hammer from coming down until such device has been released and held out of the way by the other hand; or a hand lever instead of the foot treadle will be provided for tripping the hammer.
On hammers where neither hand is used for holding the material:
Tension and safety springs will be covered to prevent the bolt or nut from being thrown out in case of breakage.
A guard will be provided which will prevent employees from stepping between the dies.
Squaring shears, where material is fed or removed by hand, will have the blade guarded at feed and discharge sides of the shear.
On hollow spindle lathes, cutting-off machines or any machine used on bar stock, pipe tubing, etc., where the material is revolved by power, substantial troughs or guards will be provided which will prevent the operator or other employees from coming in contact with the projecting unused portion of the revolving material.
Machines with reciprocating tables will have the openings guarded; guards will also be provided at each end and the sides of the table if the clearance of the table, which includes the work being machined and its chuck does not exceed twenty-four inches.
Danger zones on die casting machines will be guarded.
Machinery covered expressly by specifications contained in other rules of the Ohio bureau of workers' compensation.
Machinery covered expressly by specifications contained in other rules of the Ohio bureau of workers' compensation.
Power driven tumblers, rattlers, drums, barrels, containers, or similar machines that rotate, spin, or rock will be guarded on an area or individual basis. The guard will be interlocked with the drive mechanism so that the machine cannot operate unless the guard or enclosure is in place.
Machinery covered expressly by specifications contained in other rules of the Ohio bureau of workers' compensation.
All power driven food mixers will be equipped with a two-hand control device to keep agitator in motion under power when bowl is opened more than one-fifth of its total opening.
All power driven fixed fastening machinery, such as riveting machines, wire stitchers, staplers, sewing machines, and similar fastening machinery will be guarded.
Machinery covered expressly by specifications contained in other rules of the Ohio bureau of workers' compensation.
Every hydraulic or pneumatic (air-powered) press will be constructed, or will be guarded, to prevent the hands or fingers of the operator from entering the danger zone during the operating cycle. Acceptable methods of guarding are:
The specifications of rule 4123:1-5-10 of the Administrative Code will be applicable to power press brakes when used for other than bending.
Ohio Admin. Code 4123:1-5-11
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/1/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4121.12, 4121.121, 4121.13
Rule Amplifies: 4121.47
Prior Effective Dates: 04/01/1964, 08/01/1977, 01/01/1986, 07/10/2011, 02/01/2022