Section 4123:1-11-02 - General specifications(A) Extractors. (1) Centrifugal extractors. (a) A centrifugal extractor or washer/extractor shall be equipped with an interlock that will disconnect the current to the drive motor and prevent starting rotation of the cylinder when the access door to the machine is open but will not prevent the operator from inching the machine with the access door open. The interlock shall further prevent opening of the access door or cover while the cylinder is rotating.(b) A centrifugal extractor or washer/extractor shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations so as to minimize any transmittal of vibration to adjacent areas, and it shall not be operated in excess of the maximum speed which shall be shown on the machine nameplate.(2) Squeeze extractor. A squeeze extractor shall be provided with a cover and interlock to prevent unloading the machine unless the pressure has been released and also to prevent applying pressure unless the cover has been properly closed. A steam, hydraulically, or pneumatically operated device shall be provided with a safety pressure relief valve.
(3) Extractors used in drycleaning with flammable solvents shall be equipped with a cover and basket rim of nonferrous metal or other nonsparking material.(B) Drying equipment. (1) Tumblers. (a) A tumbler shall be equipped with an interlock that will prevent energizing the drive motor unless the shell door is closed but will allow for the inching of the tumbler during loading and unloading.(b) A tumbler shall be provided with means to prevent accidental self-closing of the shell door during loading and unloading of the machine; however, this specification does not apply to side-hinged doors that tend to remain open.(c) These specifications do not apply to tumblers designed without doors, where the work is continuously loaded and discharged.(2) Drying box or cabinet. A drying box or cabinet shall have door latches or locks that will enable an operator to open the doors readily from the inside and the outside.
(C) Finishing equipment.(1) Ironers. (a) An iron shall be equipped with a safety bar across the entire length of the feed roll or shoe so arranged that the striking of the bar will stop the machine.(b) Hazardous nip points and the uncovered heated surface of an iron shall be guarded.(2) Laundry presses and drycleaning presses. Laundry presses and drycleaning presses, excluding hand- or foot-powered presses, shall be equipped with:
(a) A control device needing concurrent use of both hands until the press has closed, and(b) A release mechanism within easy reach of the operator that will instantly open the press; or(c) Other means that will provide equivalent or greater protection.(3) Puff iron. The working surface of each puff iron when not in use shall be covered with at least one thickness of double-faced flannel and suitable smooth cover cloth or equivalent.
(4) Spreaders, feeders, folders, and stackers. Spreaders, feeders, folders, and stackers shall be equipped with emergency stop buttons or bars within easy reach of the operator.
(5) Steam/air finishing equipment. Tunnel-type equipment which provides access for an employee to enter shall have door latches or locks that will enable an operator to open the doors readily from the inside and the outside. A means to shut off all power to the system shall be provided, capable of being actuated by an employee from anywhere inside the cabinet.
(D) Miscellaneous equipment. (1) Marking machines. A marking machine shall be equipped with one of the following:
(a) A spring compression device designed to prevent injury to fingers caught between the marking plunger and the platen;(c) A barrier guard designed to prevent contact with the marking plunger; or(d) Other equivalent protection.(2) Sewing machines. A sewing machine shall be equipped with a guard permanently attached to the machine so that the operator's fingers cannot pass under the needle. The guard shall be of such design that the needle can be conveniently threaded without removing the guard.
(3) Packaging machines. Packaging and tying machines shall be guarded to avoid accidental hitting of the operator or any other employee by rotating or moving components of the machine.
(4) Steam pipes. All steam pipes exposed to contact seven feet (2.1 meters) or less from the floor or working platform shall be insulated or covered with a heat-resistive material or be otherwise guarded.
(5) Stopping devices. Each power driven machine shall be provided with a power disconnect device so located as to be operable from the front of the machine.
(6) Drycleaning machines and drying tumblers. Drycleaning machines and drying tumblers shall be grounded.
Ohio Admin. Code 4123:1-11-02
Effective: 1/1/2025
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/19/2024 and 01/01/2030
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4121.12, 4121.121, 4121.13, Const. Art. II, Sec. 35
Rule Amplifies: 4121.13
Prior Effective Dates: 04/01/1964, 09/01/1981