Ohio Admin. Code 3745-1-05
[Comment: For dates of non-regulatory government publications, publications of recognized organizations and associations, federal rules and federal statutory provisions referenced in this rule, see rule 3745-1-03 of the Administrative Code.]
[Comment: The following definitions are in addition to the definitions contained in rule 3745-1-02 of the Administrative Code.]
An individual or a collection of several household sewage treatment systems does not constitute an existing source.
Water bodies that exhibit a pattern of biological integrity equivalent to index of biotic integrity and, where applicable, invertebrate community index scores of fifty-six or greater at most sites are characteristic of a near-pristine aquatic habitat. Such waters, as well as other ecologically unique water bodies that have essentially undisturbed native faunas, but for which the biological criteria in rule 3745-1-07 of the Administrative Code do not apply, may be considered as possessing exceptional ecological values without the presence of threatened or endangered species.
An expansion of the wastewater treatment system is not considered a modification of the facility.
Water body pollutant assimilative capacity for a lake can also be determined by any alternative method which the director determines to be appropriate and consistent with the total maximum daily load procedures.
Except as provided in paragraphs (B)(2), (D) and (F) of this rule, projects or activities covered under paragraph (B)(1) of this rule shall be subject to an antidegradation review described in paragraph (C) of this rule.
Existing uses, which are determined using the use designations defined in rule 3745-1-07 of the Administrative Code, and the level of water quality necessary to protect existing uses, shall be maintained and protected. There may be no degradation of water quality that results in either a violation of the applicable water quality criteria for the designated uses, unless authorized by a water quality standard variance issued in accordance with rule 3745-1-38 of the Administrative Code, or the elimination or substantial impairment of existing uses. The director shall, pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 3745-1-07 of the Administrative Code, prohibit increased concentrations of specific regulated pollutants that are incompatible with the attainment or restoration of the designated use. Existing wetland uses, as defined in rule 3745-1-53 of the Administrative Code, shall be maintained and protected in accordance with rules 3745-1-50 to 3745-1-54 of the Administrative Code.
Except as provided in paragraph (D)(2) of this rule, any net increase in the discharge of a specific regulated pollutant resulting from a modification or new source shall, as a minimum, be controlled through best available demonstrated control technology relative to the specific regulated pollutant. More stringent treatment may be required pursuant to paragraph (C)(8) of this rule, or if needed to meet water quality standards. Feasible management or regulatory programs pursuant to sections 208, 303 and 319 of the act shall be applied to nonpoint sources.
Except as provided in paragraphs (B)(2) and (D) of this rule, the director shall provide for public participation and intergovernmental coordination prior to taking action on all activities covered by paragraph (B)(1) of this rule using the provisions of this paragraph.
Notices shall be sent by first class mail to all persons on the mailing list created pursuant to paragraph (C)(3)(d) of this rule.
The director shall hold public hearings relative to issues of lower water quality as a concurrent hearing at the time of the draft or proposed action. However, if the application is not covered by paragraph (D) of this rule, the director may choose to hold a public hearing preceding the draft or proposed action if, at the director's discretion, the project is considered to be controversial or complex. For section 401 water quality certification applications and state isolated wetland permit applications, the public hearing shall precede any action of the director.
The director shall impose the following requirements on all activities covered by paragraph (B)(1) of this rule that discharge to outstanding national resource waters, or that discharge upstream of outstanding national resource waters.
For waters other than outstanding national resource waters and limited quality waters, the director shall impose the following requirements on all activities covered by paragraph (B)(1) of this rule, except that for section 401 water quality certifications and state isolated wetland permits pursuant to section 6111.024 of the Revised Code for high quality waters that are wetlands, the director shall impose the requirements specified in rules 3745-1-50 to 3745-1-54 of the Administrative Code in lieu of paragraphs (C)(5) and (C)(8) of this rule. In addition, the director may apply the items in paragraphs (C)(5)(a) to (C)(5)(f) and (C)(5)(k) to (C)(5)(m) of this rule, may consider cumulative impacts as defined in paragraph (I) of rule 3745-1-50 of the Administrative Code, and shall consider whether the wetland is scarce regionally or statewide and the feasibility of replacing that wetland type, in making a decision whether to allow the lowering of water quality. For section 401 water quality certifications for high quality waters, other than wetlands, demonstration of avoidance, minimization and mitigation of impacts shall serve as the applicant's non-degradation, minimal degradation and mitigative technique alternatives analysis as required in paragraph (B) of rule 3745-32-03 of the Administrative Code.
The director may approve activities that lower water quality only if there has been an examination of non-degradation, minimal degradation and mitigative technique alternatives, a review of the social and economic issues related to the activity, a public participation process and appropriate intergovernmental coordination, and the director determines that the lower water quality is necessary to accommodate important social or economic development in the area in which the water body is located.
The director may require the applicant to implement a non-degradation alternative, a minimal degradation alternative or a mitigative technique alternative to offset all or part of the proposed lowering of water quality, if the director determines that the alternative is technically feasible and economically justifiable. Any lowering of water quality shall not exceed the limitations specified in paragraph (C)(6) of this rule.
When making determinations regarding proposed activities that lower water quality the director shall consider the following:
In addition to the other provisions of paragraph (C) of this rule, the director shall not allow water quality to be lowered by more than as specified in this paragraph when acting on applications or activities covered by paragraph (B)(1) of this rule.
An applicant for a project covered under paragraph (B)(1) of this rule may request that the director approve a credit project in lieu of the set asides described in paragraphs (C)(6)(a) and (C)(6)(c) of this rule. In order for a credit project to be considered for approval, the proposal must:
If the director determines to approve a credit project in lieu of the set asides described in paragraphs (C)(6)(a) and (C)(6)(c) of this rule, the director may include, at the director's discretion, an alternative lower set aside to accompany the credit project. A lower set aside must be established through rule making and incorporated into tables established in paragraph (E) of this rule.
The exclusions and waivers described in paragraphs (D)(1)(a), (D)(1)(b), (D)(1)(d), (D)(1)(e) and (D)(3) of this rule do not apply to bioaccumulative chemicals of concern within the lake Erie basin.
The following special provisions are applicable to the discharge or release to the environment of any bioaccumulative chemical of concern in the lake Erie drainage basin. Unless otherwise noted, these requirements shall apply in addition to the provisions found in paragraphs (A) to (E) of this rule.
Any entity seeking to significantly lower water quality for a bioaccumulative chemical of concern, as defined in paragraph (F)(2) of this rule, in a limited quality water or high quality water must, in addition to the requirement in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule, submit an antidegradation demonstration for consideration by the director pursuant to the review requirements of this paragraph and paragraph (C) of this rule. The antidegradation demonstration shall include the following:
Table 5-1. Best available demonstrated control technology for new sources discharging sanitary wastewater.
Parameter | Thirty-day Limit | Daily or Seven-day Limit | Maximum/Minimum Limit |
CBOD5 | 10 mg/l | 15 mg/l | n/a |
Total suspended solids | 12 mg/l | 18 mg/l | n/a |
Ammonia | |||
(Summer) | 1.0 mg/l | 1.5 mg/l | n/a |
(Winter) | 3.0 mg/l | 4.5 mg/l | |
Dissolved oxygen | n/a | n/a | 6.0 mg/l (minimum) |
Total residual chlorine | n/a | n/a | 0.038 mg/l (maximum) |
E. coli* | 126 / 100 ml | 235 / 100 ml | n/a |
* E. coli is to be considered a design standard only. Effluent limitations will not be incorporated into a control document based solely on this table. |
Table 5-2. Declining fish species.
Common name | Latin name | Comment |
Bigeye chub | Notropis amblops | |
Bigeye shiner | Notropis boops | |
Blacknose shiner | Notropis heterolepis | |
Bluebreast darter | Etheostoma camurum | |
Brindled madtom | Noturus miurus | |
Brook trout | Salvelinus fontinalis | Natives only |
Creek chubsucker | Erimyzon oblongus | |
Eastern sand darter | Ammocrypta pellucida | |
Goldeye | Hiodon alosoides | |
Hornyhead chub | Nocomis biguttatus | |
Lake chubsucker | Erimyzon sucetta | |
Least brook lamprey | Lampetra aepyptera | |
Least darter | Etheostoma microperca | |
Mimic shiner | Notropis volucellus | |
Mooneye | Hiodon tergisus | Lake Erie drainage basin |
Mountain madtom | Noturus eleutherus | |
Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy | Natives only |
North brook lamprey | Ichthyomyzon fossor | |
Northern madtom | Noturus stigmosus | |
Popeye shiner | Notropis ariommus | |
Pugnose minnow | Opsopoeodus emiliae | |
Redside dace | Clinostomus elongatus | |
River chub | Nocomis micropogon | |
River darter | Percina schumardi | Lake Erie drainage basin |
Rosyface shiner | Notropis rubellus | |
Silver lamprey | Ichthyomyzon unicuspis | |
South redbelly dace | Phoxinus erythrogaster | |
Streamline chub | Erimystax dissimilis | |
Tonguetied minnow | Exoglossum laurae | |
Variegate darter | Etheostoma variatum | |
Western banded killifish | Fundulus diaphanus menona |
Table 5-3. Threatened species.
Common name | Latin name | Comment |
Fish | ||
Bigmouth shiner | Notropis dorsalis | |
Bluebreast darter | Etheostoma camurum | |
Lake chub sucker | Erimyzon sucetta | |
Paddlefish | Polyodon spathula | |
River darter | Percina shumardi | |
Rosyside dace | Clinostomus funduloides | |
Silver lamprey | Ichthyomyzon unicuspis | |
Tippecanoe darter | Etheostoma tippencanoe | |
Mollusks | ||
Black sandshell | Liqumia recta | |
Ebonyshell | Fusconaia ebena | |
Fawnsfoot | Truncilla donaciformis | |
Pondhom | Uniomerus tetralasmus | |
Snuffbox | Epioblasma triquetra | |
Threehorn wartyback | Obliquaria reflexa | |
Other | ||
Sloan's crayfish | Orconectes sloanii |
Table 5-4. Superior high quality waters.
Water body name | Flows into | Drainage basin |
Alum creek - headwaters to West branch (RM 42.8 ) | Big Walnut creek | Scioto |
Anderson fork - Grog run (RM 11.02) to the mouth | Caesar creek | Little Miami |
Archers fork | Little Muskingum river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Arney run - Black run (RM 2.2) to the mouth | Clear creek | Hocking |
Ashtabula river - confluence of East and West fork (RM 27.54) to adjacent East 23rd street (RM 2.00 ) | Lake Erie | Ashtabula |
Auglaize river - Kelly road (RM 77.32) to Jennings creek (RM 47.02) | Maumee | Maumee |
Baughman creek | Grand river | Grand |
Beech fork | Salt creek | Scioto |
Bend fork - Joy fork (RM 4.0) to the mouth | Captina creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Big run | Federal creek | Hocking |
Big Walnut creek - Rocky fork (RM 28.3) to the mouth | Scioto river | Scioto |
Blue creek | Churn creek | Scioto |
Brill run | Marietta run | Hocking |
Buskirk creek | Deer creek | Scioto |
Caesar creek - Caesar Creek lake (RM 13.92) to the mouth | Little Miami river | Little Miami |
Cedar fork | Clear Fork Mohican river | Muskingum |
Cedar Lick creek | Cross creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Center fork | Elkhorn creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Chapman creek | Mad river | Great Miami |
Clear creek | Rocky fork | Scioto |
Clear creek - Cattail creek (RM 9.52) to the mouth | Hocking river | Hocking |
Compton creek | North Fork Paint creek | Scioto |
Congo creek | Scippo creek | Scioto |
Deer creek - Bradford/Sugar creek confluence (RM 41.22 ) to Deer creek reservoir (RM 29.40) | Scioto river | Scioto |
Dismal creek | Witten Fork | Central Ohio tributaries |
East Branch Jelloway creek | Jelloway creek | Muskingum |
East Fork Little Miami river - East Fork lake (RM 20.5 ) to the mouth | Little Miami river | Little Miami |
East Fork Little Miami river - Howard run (RM 45.18) to Tunnel Mill road (RM 30.1) | Little Miami river | Little Miami |
East Fork Queer creek | Queer creek | Scioto |
Elkhorn creek | Yellow creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Federal creek - Hyde fork (RM 16.21) to the mouth | Hocking river | Hocking |
Fish Creek - headwaters to the Indiana state line (RM 29.37) | St. Joseph river | Maumee |
Furnace run | Cuyahoga river | Cuyahoga |
Goose run - downstream Winnerline road (RM 3.00) to the mouth | Bantas fork | Great Miami |
Grace run | Cherry fork | Southwest Ohio tributaries |
Great Miami river - Quincy dam (RM 143.4) to Pasco-Montra road (RM 134.8) | Ohio river | Great Miami |
Great Miami river - Sidney water works dam (RM 130.2) to Loramie creek RM ( 119.9) | Ohio river | Great Miami |
Great Miami river - Lost creek (RM 100.0) to the CSX railroad bridge (RM 84.5) | Ohio river | Great Miami |
Hay run | Deer creek | Scioto |
Hellbranch run - Kropp road RM (5.04) to the mouth | Big Darby creek | Scioto |
Honey creek | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Huron river - East/West branch confluence (RM 14.7) to the Ohio turnpike (RM 9.1) | Lake Erie | Huron |
Indianfield run | Kokosing river | Muskingum |
Jelloway creek | Kokosing river | Muskingum |
Joes run | Big run | Hocking |
Laurel run | Salt creek | Scioto |
Leith run | Ohio river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Little Darby creek | Big Darby creek | Scioto |
Little Muskingum river -Witten fork (RM 46.44) to Fifteen Mile creek (RM 14.75) | Ohio river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Lower Twin creek | Ohio river | Southwest Ohio tributaries |
Lost creek | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Long run | Rocky fork | Muskingum |
Lost run | Rocky fork | Muskingum |
Mac-o-chee creek | Mad river | Great Miami |
Mad river - headwaters to Mac-o-chee creek (RM 51.75 ) | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Marietta run | Federal creek | Hocking |
Massie creek | Little Miami river | Little Miami |
McCullough creek | Scioto Brush creek | Scioto |
McKee creek | Stony creek | Great Miami |
Middle Fork Laurel run | Laurel run | Scioto |
Middle Fork Salt creek | Salt creek | Scioto |
Mill creek | South Fork Scioto Brush creek | Scioto |
Mohican river - Rocky fork (RM 27.60) to an unnamed tributary (RM 16.10) | Walhonding river | Muskingum |
Morgan fork | Sunfish creek | Scioto |
Muskingum river -confluence of Tuscarawas and Walhonding rivers (RM 111.13) to state route 208 (RM 92.0) | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Muskingum river - Licking river (RM 76.20) to Moxahala creek (RM 73.50) | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Muskingum river - Salt creek (RM 67.03) to Branch run (RM 52.58) | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Muskingum river -McConnelsville dam (RM 49.0) to Madison run (RM 34.4) | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Muskingum river - Beverly dam (RM 24.9) to Cushing run (RM 18.77) | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Muskingum river - Lowell dam (RM 14.1) to Rainbow creek (RM 7.7) | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Muskingum river - Devola dam (RM 5.77) to the mouth | Ohio river | Muskingum |
Nancy run | North Fork Yellow creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Nellis run | Big run | Hocking |
North Fork Captina creek -Long run (RM 4.0) to the mouth | Captina creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
North Fork Yellow creek | Yellow creek | Cuyahoga |
Ohio Brush creek -headwaters to Beasley Fork road (RM 6.30) | Ohio river | Southwest Ohio tributaries |
Opossum creek | Ohio river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Painter run | Rocky fork | Muskingum |
Pine creek | Salt creek | Scioto |
Pine creek - Hales creek (RM 38.15) to the mouth | Ohio river | Southeast Ohio tributaries |
Piney fork | Sunfish creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Pretty run | Salt creek | Scioto |
Proctor run | Treacle creek | Scioto |
Queer creek | Salt creek | Scioto |
Randall run | Mill creek | Scioto |
Rarden creek | Scioto Brush creek | Scioto |
Rocky fork - U.S. route 62 (RM 5.1) to the mouth | Big Walnut creek | Scioto |
Rocky fork - headwaters to Rocky fork lake (RM 16.88 ) | Paint creek | Scioto |
Schenck creek | Kokosing river | Muskingum |
Scioto Brush creek -headwaters to McCullough creek (RM 10.2) | Scioto river | Scioto |
Scioto river - Indian run (RM 145.18) to Olentangy river (RM 132.33) | Ohio river | Scioto |
Scioto river - Scioto Big run (RM 124.40) to Scippo creek (RM 89.61) | Ohio river | Scioto |
Scioto river - Paint creek (RM 63.50) to Salt creek (RM 51.18) | Ohio river | Scioto |
Scioto river - Scioto Brush creek (RM 9.2) to the mouth | Ohio river | Scioto |
Scippo creek - Old Tarlton pike (RM 14.80) to the mouth | Scioto river | Scioto |
Sevenmile creek | Fourmile creek | Great Miami |
South Fork Captina creek | Captina creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
South Fork Eagle creek | Eagle creek | Mahoning |
South Fork Scioto Brush creek - Shawnee creek (RM 8.3) to the mouth | Scioto Brush creek | Scioto |
Spain creek | Big Darby creek | Scioto |
Spring fork | Little Darby creek | Scioto |
Spring run | Federal creek | Hocking |
Stillwater river - Englewood dam (RM 9.0) to the mouth | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Strawcamp run | Elkhorn creek | Central Ohio tributaries |
Sunfish creek - headwaters to Negro run (RM 1.7 ) | Ohio river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Trail run | Center fork | Central Ohio tributaries |
Turkey creek | Ohio river | Southwest Ohio tributaries |
Turkey run | Sugartree fork | Muskingum |
Unnamed tributary to East Branch Black river at RM 41.41 | East Branch Black river | Black |
Upper Twin creek | Ohio river | Southwest Ohio tributaries |
West Branch Alum creek -Ashley West Liberty road (RM 5.09) to the mouth | Alum creek | Scioto |
West Branch Huron river -Slate run (RM 10.52) to the mouth | Huron river | Huron |
West Branch St. Joseph river - Michigan state line (RM 11.41) to the mouth | St. Joseph river | Maumee |
West fork - Buck run (RM 9.0) to the mouth | Ohio Brush creek | Southwest Ohio tributaries |
Whitewater river - Indiana state line (RM 8.26) to the mouth | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Wildcat run | Big run | Hocking |
Winding fork | Wakatomika creek | Muskingum |
Winterstein run | South Fork Scioto Brush creek | Scioto |
Witten fork | Little Muskingum river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Witten run | Clear Fork Little Muskingum river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Yellow creek | Cuyahoga river | Cuyahoga |
Yellow Springs creek | Little Miami river | Little Miami |
Table 5-5. Outstanding state waters based on exceptional ecological values.
Water body name | Flows into | Drainage basin |
Aurora branch - state route 82 (RM 17.08) to the mouth | Chagrin river | Chagrin |
Bantas fork | Twin creek | Great Miami |
Big Darby creek | Scioto river | Scioto |
Captina creek - North/South forks (RM 25.42) to state route 7 (RM 0.70) | Ohio river | Central Ohio tributaries |
Chagrin river -Woodiebrook road (RM 49.14) to state route 6 (RM 11.1) | Lake Erie | Chagrin |
Conneaut creek - state line (RM 23.83) to the mouth | Lake Erie | Ashtabula |
Cuyahoga river -Troy-Burton township line (RM 83.9) to U.S. route 14 (RM 60.75) | Lake Erie | Cuyahoga |
Deer creek - Deer creek dam (RM 23.89) to the mouth | Scioto river | Scioto |
East Branch Chagrin river -Heath road (RM 14.49) to the mouth | Chagrin river | Chagrin |
Fish creek - Indiana state line (RM 5.57) to the mouth | St. Joseph river | Maumee |
Grand river - state route 322 (RM 67.08) to U.S. route 20 (RM 5.67) | Lake Erie | Grand |
Greenville creek - Indiana state line (RM 34.48) to the mouth | Stillwater river | Great Miami |
Kokosing river | Walhonding river | Muskingum |
Little Beaver creek | Ohio river | Little Beaver creek |
Little Darby creek | Big Darby creek | Scioto |
Little Miami river | Ohio river | Little Miami |
Middle Fork Little Beaver creek - Middle run (RM 8.57) to the mouth | Little Beaver creek | Little Beaver creek |
North Branch Kokosing river | Kokosing river | Muskingum |
North Fork Little Beaver creek - Pennsylvania state line (RM 7.75) to the mouth | Little Beaver creek | Little Beaver creek |
North Fork Little Miami river | Little Miami river | Little Miami |
North Fork Paint creek -Compton creek (RM 24.57) to the mouth | Paint creek | Scioto |
Olentangy river - Delaware dam (RM 32.35) to Old Wilson Bridge road (RM 11.45) | Scioto river | Scioto |
Paint creek - Rocky fork (RM 37.12) to North fork (RM 3.80) | Scioto river | Scioto |
Pleasant run | Big Darby creek | Scioto |
Rocky fork | Licking river | Muskingum |
Salt creek | Scioto river | Scioto |
Sandusky river - U.S. route 30 (RM 82.1) to Roger Young Memorial park in Fremont (RM 16.6) | Lake Erie | Sandusky |
Scioto Brush Creek -McCullough creek (RM 10.20) to the mouth | Scioto river | Scioto |
South Fork Scioto Brush creek - Shawnee creek (RM 8.30 ) to the mouth | Scioto Brush creek | Scioto |
Stillwater river - Riffle road (RM 55.90) to the Englewood dam (RM 9.01) | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Twin creek | Great Miami river | Great Miami |
Unnamed tributary to East Branch Black river at RM 39.06 | East Branch Black river | Black |
Vermilion river - Southwest branch (RM 47.66) to state route 2 (RM 3.15) | Lake Erie | Vermilion |
Wakatomika creek | Muskingum river | Muskingum |
Walhonding river | Tuscarawas river | Muskingum |
West Fork Little Beaver creek - Brush creek (RM 15.99) to the mouth | Little Beaver creek | Little Beaver creek |
Table 5-6. Outstanding state waters based on exceptional recreational values.
Water body name | Flows into | Drainage basin |
Cuyahoga river - Sand run (RM 39.12) to Rockside road (RM 13.13) | Lake Erie | Cuyahoga |
Maumee river - Indiana state line (RM 108.1) to the U.S. route 25 bridge (RM 15.05) | Maumee Bay | Maumee |
Table 5-7. Outstanding national resource waters.
Water body name | Flows into | Drainage basin |
Ohio Admin. Code 3745-1-05
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/01/2008
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 6111.041, 6111.12
Rule Amplifies: 6111.041, 6111.12
Prior Effective Dates: 2/14/1978, 4/4/1985, 10/1/1996, 10/31/1997, 5/1/1998, 4/17/2001 (Emer.), 7/1/2003, 3/15/2010, 3/1/2011