Chapter 3701:1-54 - Radiation Generator and Broker Reporting Requirements
- Section 3701:1-54-01 - Definitions
- Section 3701:1-54-02 - Generator reporting and fee requirements
- Section 3701:1-54-03 - Assured isolation facility
- Section 3701:1-54-04 - Quality assurance
- Section 3701:1-54-05 - Radioactive waste processing
- Section 3701:1-54-06 - Land disposal - purpose and scope
- Section 3701:1-54-07 - Land disposal - license
- Section 3701:1-54-08 - Land disposal - facility requirements
- Section 3701:1-54-09 - Land disposal - site selection, design, and environmental assessment
- Section 3701:1-54-10 - Land disposal - waste classifications and characteristics
- Section 3701:1-54-11 - Land disposal - financial assurance
- Section 3701:1-54-12 - Land disposal - records and reports