Chapter 3359-20 - Mission, Goals and Faculty Policies
- Section 3359-20-01 - Institutional mission and goals, affirmative action statement
- Section 3359-20-03.1 - Salaries (full-time faculty)
- Section 3359-20-03.2 - Tenured and tenure track faculty workload
- Section 3359-20-03.5 - Orientation of new faculty members
- Section 3359-20-03.6 - Faculty grievance procedures
- Section 3359-20-03.8 - Joint appointments and joint titles
- Section 3359-20-03.10 - Guidelines for initial appointment, reappointment, tenure, and promotion of full-time faculty in the school of law
- Section 3359-20-04 - The faculty: personal matters and special instructions
- Section 3359-20-04.2 - Faculty and special organizations
- Section 3359-20-04.3 - Faculty privileges and benefits
- Section 3359-20-04.4 - Guidelines for academic retrenchment due to financial exigency for faculty members not governed by collective bargaining agreement
- Section 3359-20-05 - Academic matters and general policies
- Section 3359-20-05.1 - Grading system, discipline, academic probation and dismissal
- Section 3359-20-05.2 - Curricular changes
- Section 3359-20-05.3 - Textbooks, teaching aids, supplies, offices, and classrooms
- Section 3359-20-05.4 - Parking
- Section 3359-20-05.5 - Health services and restrictions on alcoholic beverages and drugs
- Section 3359-20-05.6 - Libraries
- Section 3359-20-05.7 - Publications, promotional materials, and marketing channels
- Section 3359-20-05.8 - General academic information
- Section 3359-20-05.9 - Radiation safety
- Section 3359-20-05.10 - Tobacco free campus
- Section 3359-20-06 - Statement on teaching evaluations
- Section 3359-20-06.1 - Part-time faculty appointments
- Section 3359-20-06.2 - [Rescinded] College lecturer