Ohio Admin. Code 3358:17-20-03.1

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:17-20-03.1 - Course assignments
(A) Course selection and assignments.

Full-time faculty course selections and assignments will be based first on qualifications (years teaching the course and terminal degree) and then seniority at the college. Qualified adjunct faculty will be allowed to select from the remaining unfilled courses based first on qualifications and second on seniority at the college. Part-time faculty may not teach more than twelve load units in any single term without the approval of the vice president of academic affairs. Deans may request full-time faculty to teach any course that is not covered provided every effort has been made to staff the course. All course assignments shall be subject to the appropriate academic dean's approval.

(B) Professional growth.

Professional development activities may include formal education, certificates, and training programs, researching and writing materials for publication, as well as attending professional meetings or conferences essential to remaining current in one's field. Faculty members are expected to stay current in their subject fields and other areas which contribute to their effectiveness on the job. The college supports professional conferences, fee waivers, tuition reimbursement, and faculty involvement in providing leadership to their professional organizations. Professional development activities are recognized through the annual evaluation of faculty performance and through the process for advancement in faculty rank.

(C) Final exams.

Faculty will meet at least once with each class they teach during final exams week for the purpose of administering or collecting final exams, collecting or returning final projects and/or papers, grading class presentations, and or/conducting review sessions. Faculty will maintain their five regularly scheduled office hours during finals week unless otherwise approved by the respective academic dean. "By appointment" office hours during finals week may be completed off campus to facilitate grading of final assignments if no student appointments have been scheduled

(D) Academic year for full-time faculty.

The academic year for a full-time faculty member on a nine-month contract shall begin five business days prior to the start of fall term and shall end no later than five business days following spring term, including teaching days, professional development days and attendance at pinning ceremonies or graduation. The nine-month contract shall not exceed one hundred seventy five contract days. With the approval of the appropriate academic dean, a faculty member may flexibly schedule up to three of the required professional development days during non-contract time to benefit the college and its students. For example, flexibly scheduled professional development days may be worked during the summer or winter breaks for the purposes of student advising or student recruitment.

(E) Resolving policy disputes.

In the event of a policy dispute arising from the faculty workload policy, a committee shall be formed by the president to resolve the dispute. The committee shall consist of one dean, one department chair and one fulltime faculty member (appointed by faculty senate) from a division other than that of the grievant. The committee will review the matter and will make recommendations for resolving the dispute within ten days of the charge to the president whose decision in the matter is final.

(F) Policy review.

The academic deans will meet regularly to review implementation of this policy and work towards equitable interpretation for all faculty members. The faculty load policy will be reviewed by the academic deans, one department chair, and one faculty member (appointed by faculty senate) from each division annually.

(G) Glossary of terms related to faculty workload:
(1) Recruiting.

Any college sanctioned event or activity where faculty act as a representative of the college and such activities or event are not reimbursed outside of the regular contract.

(2) Teaching load units.

One teaching load unit is equal to one contact hour of fifty minutes.

(3) Work week consists of;
(a) Fourteen to sixteen teaching load units where one teaching load unit equals one fifty minute class hour;
(b) At least ten additional on-campus/office hours per week where at most five may be scheduled by appointment (some of these office hours may be fulfilled by other required duties.);
(c) An additional fourteen to sixteen hours per week in class preparation, class maintenance, and assessment of student academic achievement;
(d) In total, faculty is committed to a forty hour work week.
(4) Teaching load reduction.

Office hours or on-campus time spent on special projects or administrative duties in lieu of teaching contact hours where each one hour reduction in teaching contact hour generally results in two on campus/office hours of faculty administrative or special task work.

(5) Program director.

A faculty member responsible for the specific requirements of an academic program including faculty evaluation and (generally) program accreditation and/or certification.

(6) Program coordinator.

A faculty member who facilitates and expedites the assessment and curricular needs in specific program areas.

(7) Department chair.

A faculty member who dedicates fifty per cent of his/her workload to department administrative duties and fifty per cent to teaching duties.

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:17-20-03.1

Effective: 3/21/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04