Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:11-1-13 - Board of trustees scholarship program policy(A) Purpose. For the establishment of the Owens community college board of trustees scholarship program to encourage the recruitment and retention of new traditional and non-traditional students in the college legal district and to recognize the academic achievements of motivated students.(B) Application and eligibility. An eligible student must have a completed admissions application; be admitted as a regular student; and have the official high school and/or general education development/diploma on file. The board of trustees scholarship program may be offered, as follows:
(1) To a high school senior with a high school cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or above attending a high school located in the legal district of Owens community college. The recipient will be selected by the college, as based upon the high school transcript, which may be submitted on or after January first of the senior year of the high school student.(2) To a high school senior with a high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above attending a high school located in the legal district of Owens community college. The student must be nominated for being a motivated student.(3) To a non-traditional student who resides in the college's legal district, who has a high school diploma or has earned a general education development/diploma, and who is nominated for the scholarship for being motivated, which may be demonstrated by exceptional work record or public/community service (including military service) or academic performance or other demonstrated leadership or other experience as related to a career path.(C) Funding. The execution of and the number of awards of the scholarship is based upon the availability of funds.(D) Scholarship award requirements. The scholarship award is executed for the fall semester, and the student must complete the following required actions prior to the award of the scholarship:(1) A declaration that the student is a degree or certificate seeking, regular student with the intent to complete at Owens community college.(2) The official high school transcript or general education development/diploma transcript is submitted and on file.(3) The student is enrolled for the fall semester immediately following high school graduation, or the non-traditional student is enrolled for the fall semester immediately following the award of the scholarship.(4) The student maintains full-time enrollment at a minimum of twelve credit hours.(5) The student maintains a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or above to continue eligibility for each semester at Owens community college for a maximum of four consecutive semesters (summer optional).(E) Implementation. The student services division will implement the scholarship program, procedures, processes, guidelines and forms, which are consistent with the provisions of this rule.Replaces: part of 3350:11-1-04
Ohio Admin. Code 3358:11-1-13
Effective: 3/11/2017
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.08
Rule Amplifies: 3358.08
prior effective dates: 3/7/02, 5/14/11