Ohio Admin. Code 3358:11-1-11

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:11-1-11 - Policy for naming college facilities, spaces, endowments and programs
(A) Applicability. This rule applies to the naming of facilities including buildings and structures, interior spaces, landscapes, roads, collections, programs, endowed chairs and professorships, and schools and departments on the various campuses of the college.
(B) Rule. Owens community college welcomes the opportunity to honor those who have rendered extraordinary service or support. Facilities, spaces, endowments or programs may be named for individuals or entities whose accomplishments or generosity advances the academic mission of the college, furthers the capacity of the college to meet its teaching and scholarly objectives and to serve its community, and enhances the growth and reputation of the college. A decision to construct or renovate a building, establish a chair or create a program is to be taken on the basis of established academic and other operational criteria and approved in keeping with the college's established practices and academic mission. Naming will be independent of all appointment, admission and curriculum decisions which the college will continue to make in keeping with its established practices and academic mission. To ensure the appropriateness of the honor, the college will follow the guidelines listed in this rule as it makes decisions on a case-by-case basis with regard to naming facilities, spaces, endowments or programs.
(1) Criteria for selection of honorees. Naming a facility, space, endowment or program for an individual, organization or corporation is one of the highest honors that the college can bestow. This recognition is a lasting and powerful affirmation of the honoree's connection to the college's mission. As such, honorees shall have exemplary character, an unqualified reputation for honesty, personal integrity and the highest standards of personal and professional ethics. These factors are to be determined at the sole discretion of the Owens community college board of trustees and/or the college president.
(a) Extraordinary college service. Honorees who have been employed by the college shall have given extraordinary service to the institution in a teaching, service or administrative field with such exceptional distinction that their contributions are widely recognized by their peers, both at the college and elsewhere. The recognition afforded the honoree may also include private financial contributions related to the naming opportunity. Honorees may not be in active service at the college or hold elected office at the time of the naming, unless the circumstances are exceptional.
(b) Private financial support. Individuals, corporations and other organizations may be considered for naming recognition if they have made significant financial contributions related to the naming opportunity. Decisions regarding such recognition are made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the approval process contained in this rule and any other applicable college policies and shall also take into consideration the total cost of the project, the availability of other funds and the level of financial contribution. A bequest or legacy gift from a donor who is still alive will not normally be considered for a naming opportunity. The following guidelines should also be taken into consideration in determining a significant level of financial support in a given situation:
(i) New facilities. Require ten per cent of construction costs.
(ii) Space within a new facility. Fifty per cent of the construction cost based on average square footage.
(iii) Renovation of facilities. Fifty per cent of the cost of renovating a facility.
(iv) Existing facilities without renovation. Require ten per cent of the fair market value based on insured value.
(v) Space within existing facilities without renovation. Forty per cent of the fair market value based on total square footage of insured value.
(vi) Portable items. Donation of the collection or at least fifty per cent of the value of the collection.
(vii) Tribute markers. One hundred per cent of the cost or value of associated items (e.g. trees, gardens, benches).
(viii) Endowed positions. Fifty per cent funding of the endowment position.
(ix) Programmatic entities. Determined on a case-by-case basis.
(c) Financial commitments related to the naming opportunities may be pledged over several years. The number of years will be determined by the college and the donor but will be based upon the size of the donation, the nature of the naming opportunity and the financial (including tax benefits) consideration of the donor.
(2) Request for approval. Since naming facilities, spaces, endowments and programs has a long-term impact on the college, the approval process is designed to ensure such action is in the best interest of the college. All naming requests will be reviewed by a college naming review committee comprised of the provost, the vice president of business affairs, and the executive director of fund development. This committee will submit all recommendations to the president. Upon presidential review and approval, applicable naming recommendations will be submitted to the board of trustees for consideration. An opportunity that involves private financial support should first be approved by the Owens state community college foundation executive committee before any action can be taken by the college naming review committee.
(a) Naming facilities and/or interior spaces must be approved by the board of trustees.
(b) The naming of academic or non-academic programmatic entities (such as departments, schools, institutes and centers) must be approved by the board of trustees.
(c) Naming of endowed positions must be approved by the president.
(d) The display of tribute markers which includes plaques, medallions or other markers in association with features such as trees, benches or small monuments must be approved by the president.
(e) Naming facilities and spaces that are made up of portable items which are identifiable because of a specific focus or purpose (for example, collections of art) must be approved by the president, provost and dean of the school, depending on the location.
(f) The board of trustees reserves the right to review for approval, on a case-by-case basis, any naming request not specifically addressed above and not otherwise delegated by the board of trustees to the president of the college.
(3) Duration of name. Naming of facilities, spaces, endowments and programs in honor of individuals, corporations or other organizations is expected to last the lifetime of the facility, space, endowment or program.
(a) Special considerations.
(i) Renovations: If a previously named facility or property must be replaced or substantially renovated, the name will remain as set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action.
(ii) Change in use: When a change in the use of a previously named facility occurs because a program moves/ends or space is reassigned or demolished, some form of continuing recognition may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial.
(iii) Additional naming opportunities: Naming associated with a particular facility, space, endowment or program will not preclude further naming within the facility, space, endowment or program.
(iv) Form of naming display: The official name of a building, in honor of an individual or in recognition of an appropriate donation, shall be determined by the college in cooperation with the donor. In addition, a suitable plaque can be located in the lobby or other appropriate interior location, giving the full name and a brief biography of the person.
(v) Owens community college reserves the right to change the building's name or to remove the naming right should a significant change in the circumstances of the donor or honoree occur. A significant change is determined at the sole discretion of the board of trustees and/or the president of the college.
(4) Request processing. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that a naming request will be acted upon within sixty days of the initial submission of that request to the college naming review committee.
(5) Recording and reporting. The president's office will be responsible for recording the official decisions on all naming requests and reporting those decisions to the appropriate college officials.
(C) Implementation. The executive director of fund development will implement procedures consistent with this rule as well as ensure that all approved names of facilities, spaces, endowments and programs are consistent in look and design and are completed in a timely manner. It is also the responsibility of the executive director of fund development to keep the donor and/or honoree informed throughout the process.

Replaces: 3358:11-1-11

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:11-1-11

Effective: 7/13/2007
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.08
Rule Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 3/9/2003