Routine items of business may include:
A member of the board who must abstain from voting on a particular transaction of business due to a conflict of interest (or for a potential conflict of interest) cannot be counted in the majority of voting members needed to act for that particular transaction of business.
Administrative Code (model ethics policy) and Chapter 102. of the Revised Code. Ohio ethics law prohibits a public official from participating in actions, deliberations or decisions that directly involves a financial interest of their own, their family or a business associate.
A potential or a conflict of interest (financial interest or a dual organizational relationship) shall be fully disclosed to the general counsel/assistant attorney general representing the college, who will assist with proper guidance addressing the potential or conflict of interest.
When there is a potential or a conflict of interest, the member of the board must completely abstain or recuse from the matter, including: voting, decision-making, discussing, reviewing, recommending, inspecting, influencing, or taking any action on the matter.
Ohio Admin. Code 3358:11-1-02
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.08
Rule Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/07/2002, 12/26/2013, 04/14/2019, 09/18/2021