Section 3354:1-30-06 - Policy on human subjects research(A) The college may engage in research involving human subjects for the purpose of systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to the advancement of knowledge. All such research must comply with this policy, even if it: (1) Is only partially conducted by the college(2) Is only partially funded by the college(3) Is not funded or conducted by the college, but the college permits or directs its employees or students to participate as researchers or subjects(B) Human subjects research must be conducted in a manner consistent with federal and state laws and regulations (including without limitation 45 C.F.R. Part 46, as amended from time-to-time), and may be conducted in a manner consistent with other generally-accepted professional standards governing the research.(C) In conducting human subjects research, the college will adhere to the principles of autonomy, beneficence, and justice:(1) Autonomy provides subjects the information, time, respect and opportunity to make informed decisions regarding participation in research with special regard for particularly vulnerable populations. No research may be conducted using any person unless that person has given the college a signed written consent form.(2) Beneficence provides for a thoughtful balance of benefits and risks that protects subjects from harm and regards their well-being. The college shall establish an institutional review board to review and approve proposed research on human subjects prior to the start of any research it partially or wholly conducts or funds. The college will seek to minimize i risks of harm to subjects in such research.(3) Justice provides for fair and unbiased distribution of benefits and burdens of research as well as impartial and equitable subject selection.(D) The president or the president's designee is hereby directed to take all steps necessary and appropriate for the effective implementation of this policy. Replaces: 3354-1-30-06
Ohio Admin. Code 3354:1-30-06
Effective: 7/31/2006
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3354.09
Rule Amplifies: 3354.09
Prior Effective Dates: 7/31/06