Ohio Admin. Code 3352-3-04

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3352-3-04 - Graduate degree requirements
(A) Master's degree. To graduate with a master's degree from Wright state university, all students must fulfill the general requirements as listed in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(10) of this rule.
(1) Be admitted to the school of graduate studies in order to receive graduate credit.
(2) Complete a program of study form to be filed in the school of graduate studies.
(3) Complete the requirements for the graduate degree within seven calendar years, unless the student's program has a shorter time limit.
(4) Maintain a cumulative grade point/hour ratio of at least a 3.0 in all courses taken for graduate credit. No more than nine credit hours of C grades are acceptable. Individual programs may utilize criteria in addition to course work grades to evaluate a graduate student's status in the program.
(5) Meet residency requirements.
(a) Register on campus as a graduate student.
(b) Devote wholly or partly to graduate work a minimum of three quarters at Wright state university.
(c) Complete a minimum of thirty-three quarter hours of graduate credit at Wright state university.
(6) Complete a minimum of forty-five quarter hours of program required graduate credit. A department may require completion of more than forty-five credit hours.
(7) Be registered during the quarter in which a thesis is defended.
(8) Successfully complete the final comprehensive examination, if required in the program.
(9) Present one copy of an approved thesis to the school of graduate studies, if required in the program, no later than thirty days after the date the degree was granted.
(10) Submit a formal application for graduation to the school of graduate studies within the application deadline.
(11) Individual departments and colleges have requirements that must be met in addition to the general requirements set forth in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(10) of this rule. Because graduate degree programs may set additional policies and degree requirements, a prospective graduate student should be familiar with both graduate school and degree program policies and requirements, since compliance with both is required for satisfactory academic performance and subsequent graduation.
(12) Second master's degree. A student may earn a second master's degree by taking a minimum of thirty-three credit hours. Credits for the second master's degree must be taken after the award of the first master's degree. These hours must be taken at Wright state university. Departments or programs may specify additional requirements depending on the length of the program, prerequisites for the individual student, and/or the nature of the first degree. Admission policies and procedures are the same as those for any student applying to the program, except that an admission application fee is not required if the first degree was earned at Wright state university.
(13) Dual master's degree program. A dual master's degree program at Wright state university permits common course work to apply toward two graduate programs. A prospective graduate student who wishes to pursue a dual master's degree program should contact the school of graduate studies to determine what dual programs are available.
(14) Working on two master's degrees. A graduate student desiring to work on two master's degrees at Wright state university at the same time may do so provided the student fulfills the general requirements as listed in paragraphs (A)(14)(a) to (A)(14)(e) of this rule.
(a) The student formally applies and is admitted into the second master's degree program before registering for any courses for that program.
(b) Within two quarters from the start of the programs, approved programs of study are on file in the school of graduate studies for both graduate programs.
(c) The first program must have a minimum of forty-five graduate hours. The second program must have a minimum of thirty-three graduate hours (individual programs may require more hours than the minimum requirement).
(d) Courses required for one program cannot be applied toward the second program's requirements.
(e) Only twelve hours of transfer credit can be applied, with program and school of graduate studies approval, toward the requirements of the first master's degree. No transfer credit can be applied toward the thirty-three graduate hours required for the second master's degree.
(15) Fresh start. A graduate student may request a fresh start when changing or returning to graduate programs within the school of graduate studies. A fresh start permits a graduate student to begin a graduate program and have the graduate academic record recalculated to reflect no hours attempted and no graduate grade point average for the new program. For fresh start purposes, a new program is a program into which a student transfers while in active status or a program to which a student returns from inactive status. A student granted a fresh start will be admitted into the new program as a conditional degree-seeking student. A graduate student who wishes to utilize the fresh start rule at Wright state university should meet with a program advisor in order to determine eligibility and program requirements. Only one fresh start will be granted to a graduate student at Wright state university.
(16) Change of program. A graduate student who wishes to change from one degree program to another must submit a completed admissions application to the school of graduate studies. The change of program must have the approval of the departments concerned, as well as the approval of the school of graduate studies.
(17) Petition. A student who wishes to deviate from the normal graduate school regulations and procedures may submit a petition to the school of graduate studies. The petition must have the recommendation of the student's advisor, the instructor if applicable, and the appropriate department or college. An action taken on a petition will not be considered as a precedent for any future action.
(B) Post-master's degree. Wright state university offers a post-master's program in educational leadership which leads to the educational specialist degree.
(1) All prospective post-master's degree students must meet the general admission requirements as listed in paragraphs (B)(1)(a) to (B)(1)(e) of this rule.
(a) Be admitted to the school of graduate studies.
(b) Have an earned master's degree from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution.
(c) Submit three letters of recommendation.
(d) Have an earned cumulative grade point average of 3.5 in master's degree study.
(e) Have satisfactory scores on either the graduate record examinations or the Miller analogies test.
(2) A successful candidate for the post-master's degree must complete an applied research thesis during the two years of the program and present an oral defense of the findings to the thesis committee.
(C) Doctor of philosophy degree. To earn a doctor of philosophy degree at Wright state university, a graduate student must complete the general requirements as listed in paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(10) of this rule.
(1) Maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all graduate courses in which a letter grade is assigned. Individual programs may utilize criteria in addition to course work grades to evaluate a doctoral student's status in the program.
(2) Complete the minimum program course work requirements.
(3) Be admitted to doctoral candidacy by passing the qualifying examination. The program may establish additional criteria to determine a student's eligibility for candidacy.
(4) Accumulate a minimum of one hundred thirty-five quarter hours of acceptable graduate credit. Individual programs may have higher credit hour requirements.
(5) Meet residency requirements.
(a) Register for at least eight credit hours of Wright state university graduate courses.
(b) Complete a minimum residence of three consecutive full-time academic quarters at Wright state university, devoted wholly to graduate work.
(c) Complete a minimum of ninety credit hours toward the program at Wright state university.
(6) Conduct an acceptable original research problem and submit an approved dissertation.
(7) Successfully defend the dissertation.
(8) Be registered in the quarter of the final dissertation defense.
(9) Present one copy of the approved dissertation to the school of graduate studies no later than thirty days after the date the degree was granted and complete arrangements for submitting one copy of the dissertation to university microfilms international.
(10) Fulfill all the requirements within ten years from the date of matriculation into the doctoral program. Courses older than ten years on a student's program of study cannot be used toward degree requirements.
(D) Doctor of psychology degree. The Wright state university school of professional psychology offers the doctor of psychology degree. A prospective student should contact the school of professional psychology for admission requirements, program descriptions, and scholastic policies and procedures.
(E) Doctor of medicine degree. The Wright state university school of medicine offers the doctor of medicine degree. A prospective student should contact the school of medicine for admission requirements, program descriptions, and scholastic policies and procedures.

Replaces: 3352-3-04

Ohio Admin. Code 3352-3-04

Effective: 11/30/2002
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3352.03
Rule Amplifies: 3352.03
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/78, 8/31/97, 4/30/99, 8/31/01, 11/30/02