As a principle, the university will operate in such a way that librarians enjoy freedom from arbitrary or discriminatory treatment. The director of the university library shall establish reasonable criteria and fair procedures regarding decisions significantly affecting librarians, including the assignment of responsibilities and the scheduling of assignments.
The purpose of grievance procedures is to secure prompt resolution of complaints by librarians regarding the terms and conditions of employment. These procedures shall be followed:
Bargaining unit librarians are covered by article eight of the CSU/SEIU district 1199 agreement.
When a complaint arises, the librarian shall attempt to resolve the issue with the administrator of the librarian's immediate unit through discussion, mutual understanding, and documentation if appropriate. If the complaint is not resolved, either the grievant or the library administrator(s) involved may refer the grievance to the PAC-PR that will constitute a special PAC for addressing the issue.
If the grievance is submitted to the PAC-PR, it will examine the grievance, prepare a finding of fact, and recommend a basis for resolution to the concerned parties. This recommendation shall thereafter accompany the grievance until it is resolved. This recommendation is made to the director of the university library who shall present a written decision to the librarian and the PAC-PR within ten working days of receiving the PAC-PR recommendation.
If the decision of the director of the university library is not satisfactory to the librarian, it may be appealed in writing to the provost within five working days. The provost or the provost's designee shall promptly meet and discuss the grievance with the librarian and any representative of the university community of the librarian's choice and reply in writing within fifteen working days.
Ohio Admin. Code 3344-62-07
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3344