Section 3342-7-05.501 - Operational procedures regarding collection of student fees(A) Payment of fall and spring class schedules and room assignments. (1) A student's preregistered fall/spring classes, room assignment, and the corresponding bill will be mailed to the student's email address approximately six weeks before the start of each semester. The payment due date and payment procedures will accompany the bill.(2) During the preregistration period for fall/spring semesters, the bursar's office will request the registrar's office to cancel class schedules and residence services to cancel room assignments of students who fail to meet their financial obligations or who do not enter into a satisfactory payment arrangement for meeting them (see paragraph (A)(5) of this rule) by the payment deadline date published on the bursar website and also indicated on the ebill that is emailed to the student's email address.(3) The bursar's office will notify students whose preregistered schedules or room assignments have been canceled for nonpayment of fees by mail to the student's email address.(4) For students who register during open registration or late registration, full payment of all tuition, special course, and room and board fees must be made at the time of registration, or a satisfactory payment arrangement for full payment must be entered into at the time of registration.(5) The following are considered satisfactory payment arrangements (a) Installment payment plan. Applications for paying fees on the installment payment plan are accepted through the first week of classes. A service charge is assessed for enrolling in the plan. The installment payment plan and service charge is described in the fee register, the bursar website, and in other convenient publications.(b) University loan. Applications for university loans are available during registration activities from the bursar's office. Since total loan funds are small, maximum amounts that my be borrowed for full-time or part-time students are limited to the amounts described on the bursar website. The balance of any fees not covered by the loan are due in full at the time of registration. The university loan may not be used in conjunction with the installment payment plan.(c) Ten payment plan. Ten payments per academic year. This plan is available to all students who project a minimum obligation after aid of one thousand five hundred dollars. Kent state university in conjunction with the third party service offers a ten-payment plan. There is a non-refundable enrollment fee. Payments begin in June and ends in March.(d) Kent first tuition payment plan (undergraduate education). This plan is available to incoming freshmen for fall semester. It is based on an initial down payment due in July and forty-two monthly payments drawn by automated clearing house (ACH) from participant's bank accounts. Based on full-time attempted hours in fall and spring semester, the plan is continuous until obtaining either an undergraduate degree, one hundred forty-four attempted credit hours, or five years.(6) For students signing residence services contracts which allow monthly payments, the portion concerning payment of room charges is not applicable in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(5) of this rule.(B) Payment for summer class schedules and room assignments.(1) A student's preregistered summer classes, room assignment, and the corresponding bill will be emailed to the student's email address approximately six weeks before the start of each semester. The payment due date and payment procedures will accompany the bill.(2) During the preregistration period for summer semester, the bursar's office will request the registrar's office to cancel class schedules and residence services to cancel room assignments of students who fail to meet their financial obligations or who do not enter into a satisfactory payment arrangement for meeting them (as provided for in this rule) by the payment deadline date published on the bursar website and also indicated on the ebill that is emailed to the student's email address. (3) The bursar's office will notify students whose preregistered schedules or room assignments have been canceled for nonpayment of fees by email to the student's email address.(4) Room assignment charges are payable upon receipt.(C) Ineligible hold. Each semester the bursar's office will prohibit students with outstanding debts to the university from registering. In addition, transcripts of academic records will not be issued until all outstanding debts have been satisfied.(D) Deregistration from current semester classes. (1) After the beginning of a semester and after the second billing of the semester, the bursar's office will mail statements of account balances to students who are delinquent in meeting their financial obligations to the university. The statement will be mailed to student permanent/billing addresses and will be accompanied by a deregistration warning letter. Another warning letter will be mailed to student local/residence hall addresses. A deregistration warning letter is also emailed to the student's email address. The warning letter will advise students of the following points: (a) Payment is required by the date stated in the letter.(b) Failure to pay by the deadline date will result in cancellation of the current semester's classes by the registrar's office.(c) If the current semester's classes are canceled, the refund percentage is zero and the total fees will remain due to the university; credit will not be given for classes taken, even if the account is paid at a later date; and residence hall students will be requested to vacate their rooms by residence services.(2) After the payment deadline established in the warning letter has passed, the bursar's office will:(a) Prepare a list of students who did not meet their financial obligation to the university and deliver it to the registrar's office and to residence services and other various offices.(b) Forward copies of the list to: (i) Vice president and dean for enrollment management and student affairs;(ii) Vice president for administration;(iii) Director of financial affairs;(iv) Associate dean for enrollment management and student affairs;(v) Director, student financial aid;(vi) Deans of colleges; and(vii) Deans of regional campuses (if applicable).(c) Mail letters to students on the list to their local and permanent address informing them that: (i) Their registration for classes has been canceled.(ii) The refund percentage is zero and the total fees remain due the university.(iii) They will not receive credit for their classes even when they pay their account balance at a later date.(iv) They may discuss the deregistration action in person with the bursar within the next week during regular office hours.(d) Send computer printouts of section numbers which have deregistered students enrolled to the academic deans. This printout will inform the faculty member that the student has been deregistered, should not be permitted to attend classes, and should immediately see the bursar.(e) Make two attempts to contact the deregistered student by telephone and one email attempt to contact the student at his/her email address. The information given over the telephone will be the same as that in the letter.(f) Deregistered students who come to the bursar's office in person within the next week will be given the opportunity to reregister for their classes if they pay their account balance in full, or make other acceptable payment arrangements. Also, these students will be assessed the appropriate late registration and non-payment fees per the fee register.(g) After one week (the exact date will be stated in the letter), deregistered students will not be allowed to reregister.(3) At the end of one-week reregistration period, the bursar's office will: (a) Prepare a revised list of deregistered students and ask the registrar's office to canel the class schedules of those student who have not met their financial obligation to the university.(b) Send a copy of the revised list to those who received the initial deregistered student list(c) Prepare Kent state university -- bursar deregistration release cards for each class of the reinstated student and give these cards to the student who will then give the cards to their instructors informing them the student is now permitted to attend classes.(d) Place transcript holds on all students who did not meet their financial obligations to the university.(E) Regular monthly billings. During fall and spring semesters, the bursar's office will mail billing statements at approximately one-month intervals. Payment is due upon receipt of the statement unless prior arrangements have been made with the bursar's office. Billing statements will be emailed to the student's email address.(F) Collection procedures. If the deregistration process or monthly billing fails to resolve an unfulfilled financial responsibility, the student's account will be referred to the university collection office who will contact the debtor by telephone and/or letter requesting immediate payment. If the account remains unpaid the university collections office will continue collection efforts until the account is twelve to eighteen months past due. After twelve to eighteen months, the account may be referred to the Ohio attorney general for collection and/or litigation.(G) Responsibility for maintaining billing address. The bursar's office will use the local and/or permanent address shown on the student master file for all billings and other correspondence regarding student accounts. It is the student's responsibility to change his/her address on the university student information system. Replaces: 3342-7- 05.501
Ohio Admin. Code 3342-7-05.501
Effective: 3/1/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.01
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/4/1977, 9/13/1979, 4/5/1982, 7/2/1985, 8/31/1995, 6/4/2003, 6/1/2007, 4/1/2011