Section 3342-7-05.1 - Administrative policy regarding allocation and use of student activities fees(A) Purpose. The board has designated a portion of the general fee as the student activities fee. See the current "Fee Register" for the amount, which is subject to change.(B) Distribution of the student activities fee. This fee is divided and allocated as follows: (1) A portion of the student activities fee paid by all students will be designated for all campus student publications. The student publications policy committee and the journalism publications board are designated by the vice president for management and student affairs to make recommendations regarding the allocation of this portion of the activities.(2) A portion of the student activities fee identified for student organizations and paid by undergraduate students will be designated primarily for undergraduate social, cultural, recreational, service and educational programs. The undergraduate student senate is designated by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs to make recommendations regarding the allocation of this portion of the activities fee.(3) A portion of the student activities fee identified for student organizations and paid by graduate students will be designated primarily for graduate social, cultural, recreational, service and educational programs. The graduate student senate is designated by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs to make the final recommendations regarding the allocation of this portion of the activities fee.(4) A portion of the student activities fee identified for student leadership compensation paid by all students designated to compensate student leads in graduate and undergraduate student organizations and governmental bodies consistent with rule 3342-7-05.3 of the Administrative Code.(5) In general, student activities fees collected for the academic year shall be allocated for program/service that take place during the academic year. Likewise, those fees collected for the summer sessions shall be allocated for program/service which take takes place during the summer sessions.(6) Consistent with rule 3342-7-05 of the Administrative Code, the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee is held accountable for making the final decision regarding the allocation of all the above mentioned fees.(C) Accounts. (1) The purpose of the student activities fee account for undergraduate organizations. (a) This account will be credited for that portion of the student activities fee designated for student organizations and paid by undergraduate students. This account will be debited for the allocations recommended by undergraduate student senate to student organizations.(b) Since the allocation of monies from this account is based on an estimate of enrollment, a reserve of twenty thousand dollars is required to provide a buffer against over-allocation. The decision to utilize this reserve may be made only by the president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee.(2) The purpose of the student activities fee account for graduate organizations. (a) This account will be credited for that portion of the student activities fee designated for student organizations and paid by graduate students. This account is debited for the allocations recommended by the graduate student senate.(b) Since the allocation of money from this account is based on an estimate of enrollment, a reserve of five thousand dollars is required to provide a buffer against over-allocation. Decisions to utilize this reserve can be made only by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee.(3) The purpose of the student publications account. (a) This account will be credited for that portion of the student activity fee designated for student publications and paid by undergraduate and graduate students. This account is debited for the allocations recommended by the student publications board for all campus student publications.(b) Since the allocation of money from this account is based on an estimate of enrollment, a reserve of five thousand dollars is required to provide a buffer against over-allocation. Decisions to utilize this reserve may be made only by the vice president enrollment management and student affairs or designee.(4) The purpose of the student leadership compensation accounts for undergraduates and graduates. These accounts (one for undergraduates and one for graduates) will be credited for that portion of the student activities fee designated for student leadership compensation and paid respectively by undergraduate and graduate students. These accounts are debited respectively for the compensation of undergraduate and graduate student leaders consistent with rule 3342-7-05.3 of the Administrative Code.
(D) Reserve maintenance. At the close of each Fiscal year, the balance in the aforementioned accounts will be determined by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee.
(1) If the balance in the respective accounts is greater than indicated in the rule, the excess will be transferred to the appropriate capital purchase account as indicated : (a) Excess in student activity fee undergraduate organizations account to be transferred to student capital purchase undergraduate organizations account.(b) Excess in student activities fee graduate organizations account to be transferred to student capital purchase graduate organizations account.(c) Excess in student publications account to be transferred to student publications capital purchases account.(2) Maintaining the reserve. If the balance is less than the amount designated in this rule, the required amount from the respective capital purchase accounts will be transferred to maintain the proper reserve. In such cases where the balance in the respective capital purchase accounts if insufficient to transfer the proper reserve, the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee will make appropriate adjustments to the recommended allocation of the student activities fee to ensure the maintenance of the designated reserve.(E) Estimation of income. It is the responsibility of the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee to determine the amount available for allocation based on projected income estimates prepared by the bursar's office.(F) Guidelines for the use of student activities fees. Committees and student governmental bodies making recommendation for the allocation of student activities fees and groups utilizing these monies shall adhere to the following guidelines as well as other guidelines promulgated by the respective allocating bodies: (1) Each body making recommendations for the allocation of student activities fees shall develop and review annually a set of specific guidelines for the use and allocation of funds under their auspices. These guidelines must be approved by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee and will be published and distributed annually by the campus life office.(2) Federal, state and local laws as well as institutional policies specifically prohibit the use of student activities fees for the following: (a) Events held away from the campus unless adequate transportation exists;(b) Direct allocation to charity or charitable organizations;(c) Religious activities;(d) Direct allocation to individual students except designated in rule 3342-6-25.1 of the Administrative Code;(e) Events that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, sex or disability;(g) Partisan political activities intended to influence voting on issues or candidates currently on a ballot.(3) Additionally, institutional policy and procedures require that student groups receiving student activities fees must: (a) Have a permanent campus mailing address;(b) Deposit all allocated and generated money in a university account. These accounts may not have a negative balance;(c) Maintain proper bookkeeping procedures as described in "The Guidelines For Treasurers of Student Activity Organizations" and reconcile their accounts monthly with the coordinator of student accounts;(d) Make expenditures of money only for programs and services for which money was allocated;(e) Utilize the Kent student center ticket office for all ticket sales;(f) Have all contracts under three hundred fifty dollars signed by the faculty advisor and all contracts for three hundred fifty dollars or more signed by the faculty advisor and the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee;(g) Purchase any capital equipment in accordance with rule 3342-7-05.2 of the Administrative Code; and(h) Utilize only the petty established by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee. Replaces: 3342-7- 05.1
Ohio Admin. Code 3342-7-05.1
Effective: 3/1/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.01
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/4/1977, 3/22/1982, 11/25/1987, 8/23/1995, 3/7/2000, 12/20/2004, 6/1/2007