Section 3342-1-01 - Definition of terms used in the rules of Kent state university(A) As used in agency level 3342 of the Administrative Code: (1) Board. "Board" means the board of trustees of the university in which the government of the university is vested pursuant to section 3341.02 of the Revised Code.(2) Chair. "Chair" of the board which is the same office as that referred to as "president" in section 3341.03 of the Revised Code.(3) Instructional units. "Instructional units" means the department, schools, and colleges of the universities, in addition to other academic entities established for the purpose of providing instruction.(4) President. "President" means the president of the university.(5) University. "University" means Kent state university as established in Chapter 3341 of the Revised Code.(6) Vice chair. "Vice chair" means the vice chair of the board which is the same office as that referred to as "vice president" in section 3341.03 of the Revised Code.(7) Regular full-time faculty member. A faculty member with regular academic rank the sum of whose teaching, research, and/or administrative responsibilities and assignments constitutes fulltime employment (one hundred per cent full-time employment) at Kent state university.(8) Full-time non-tenure-track faculty member. A faculty member whose employment contract is for a duration of one year the sum of whose teaching, research, and/or administrative responsibilities and assignment constitutes fulltime employment (one hundred per cent full-time employment) at Kent state university but who does not hold an appointment in a tenure-track position.(9) Regular academic rank. "Regular academic rank" denotes the expectation or possibility of indefinite tenure- instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor, plus such descriptive honorific, or courtesy designations as "research," "university," "distinguished," and so forth.(10) Student. "Student" means any person admitted or enrolled at the university in any of its courses, programs, campuses, or offerings, including, but not limited to, cooperative programs or offerings with other institutions for whom a record is made at the university by the registrar or which is submitted to the university for admission or transfer credit.(11) Instructor. "Instructor" means any person employed or appointed to teach in any course or program offering of the university, or a committee appointed to assess, evaluate, or grade a thesis, dissertation or work. Any decision to such a committee shall be by majority votes.(12) Chairperson. "Chairperson" means the chief administrative officer of a department, school, or program whose position is that of a first organizational level academic level with a teaching faculty.(13) Dean. "Dean" means the chief academic officer of a college, independent school, regional campus or equivalent.(14) Department. "Department" means an academic unit headed by a chairperson or director.(15) College. "College" means an academic unit headed by dean.(16) Regional campus. "Regional campus" means any of the Kent state university system of community-oriented institutions. Replaces: 3342-1-01
Ohio Admin. Code 3342-1-01
Effective: 10/1/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.04
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/04/1977, 06/19/1981, 08/30/1985, 09/19/2005, 03/01/2015