When university charges (room, meals, fees and others) are not paid on a timely basis, the office of the bursar will seek to collect the past due monies in a prompt business- like manner.
A student experiencing financial difficulties should contact the office of the bursar promptly to arrange for the payment of any outstanding balance to avoid additional collection actions.
As part of this process, service charges will be assessed . Rooms, meals and/or registration will be canceled. If satisfactory arrangements cannot be made, the account will be referred to a collection agency, to Wood county municipal court, or to the Ohio attorney general's office.
Except as provided in this paragraph, a student's grades, diploma, transcript, and/or other services may be withheld, in compliance with state and federal law.
BGSU will not withhold a student's official transcript:
BGSU will develop operating procedures to ensure that its withholding of a student's official transcript because of an outstanding balance is permitted by this policy and federal and state law.
Ohio Admin. Code 3341-6-26
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341
Rule Amplifies: 3341
Prior Effective Dates: 03/17/2015, 09/08/2023