Ohio Admin. Code 3339-10-04
The selection and adoption of textbooks and/or course materials are an academic departmental responsibility. Academic departments are encouraged to adopt the most appropriate and highest quality textbook for presenting course content and accomplishing course objectives. However, to maintain our goal of higher education access and affordability for our students and to comply with the Ohio department of higher education statutory requirements, academic departments are also encouraged to take into consideration the cost and expense of the textbook and other materials for the student taking the course when making adoption decisions.
Academic departments should make selections for required textbooks and supplemental and other course materials no later than the first day of class registration to ensure that sufficient quantities of textbooks and supplemental materials are available to meet the needs of students and to assist students in being responsible consumers.
Some exceptions may apply, including when the instructor for a course is not assigned before the registration process begins. In these situations, it is recommended that the instructor or department selects materials that are similar in cost to those previously used for the course.
Before each upcoming academic term, the office of the university registrar shall partner with the university bookstore to make publicly accessible the following information for each upcoming academic term:
The office of the university registrar, in consultation with the university bookstore, shall communicate to the deans, department chairs, and program directors the date by which their textbook information is to be provided to the university bookstore.
The textbook information provided to the university bookstore shall be published on the university bookstore website and shall be made readily accessible through a link from the university's on-line course registration system.
If the international standard book number is not available, then the author, title, publisher, and copyright date for such college textbook or supplemental material will be published. If the university bookstore determines that the disclosure of the information required by this policy is not practicable for a college textbook or supplemental material, then it will place the designation 'to be determined' in lieu of the information required.
The university bookstore is responsible for disseminating information to students regarding:
Ohio Admin. Code 3339-10-04
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3339.1
Rule Amplifies: 3339.1
Prior Effective Dates: 09/30/1999, 10/31/2002, 11/07/2003, 03/21/2005, 09/13/2012, 09/12/2013, 12/06/2018, 11/01/2021