Ohio Admin. Code 3337-24-30

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3337-24-30 - Membership and use eligibility for campus recreation facilities

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at https://www.ohio.edu/policy/24-030.html

(A) Overview

This policy establishes membership and use eligibility for the campus recreation facilities located on Athens campus. These facilities consist of the Charles J. Ping student recreation center, aquatic center, Walter fieldhouse, Bird arena, golf course, tennis courts, disc golf course, driving range, competitive sport fields , and the challenge course.

The primary purpose for these facilities is to serve the educational and recreational needs of the students, faculty, and staff of Ohio university.

All campus recreation facilities are open to alumni and the community on a fee for service basis.

Ohio university reserves the right to refuse use of these facilities to any group sponsoring a function which does not meet the standards of Ohio university or which is determined to be detrimental to the academic, community, or state interests of this university.

Policy 01.025 provides an umbrella policy for all facilities usage. Issues not addressed in this policy may be addressed there.

(B) Membership eligibility
(1) Student eligibility:
(a) Undergraduate and graduate students: Current semester full-time and part-time Athens campus undergraduate and graduate students of Ohio university, are granted membership and access to the Charles J. Ping student recreation center, aquatic center, bird arena, Walter fieldhouse, competitive sports fields and the outdoor tennis courts. Ohio university identification card is required for access. Fees for service will be assessed for use of the golf course, indoor tennis courts, driving range and the challenge course.
(b) Regional, centers and extension campuses, and online students:

Undergraduate and graduate students of Ohio university regional, centers and extension campuses and online students are eligible to purchase a membership or daily use pass to any recreation facility. Ohio university identification card is required for access.

(c) Non-enrolled students: Students who are not enrolled for the current semester but were enrolled the previous or are enrolled for the following semester are eligible to purchase a membership or daily use pass to any recreation facility. Ohio university identification card is required for access.
(2) Faculty and staff:

Current Ohio university Athens, regional, centers and extension campuses fulltime, part-time or retired employees are eligible to purchase a membership or daily use pass to any recreation facility. Ohio university identification card is required for access.

(3) Other eligible individuals:

Alumni, community, spouse of Ohio university student, faculty or staff, and domestic partners as defined by Ohio university human resources http://www.ohio.edu/hr are eligible to purchase a membership or daily use pass to any recreation facility. Dependents (under the age of eighteen) of current members are also eligible for membership and daily use passes at an additional per person fee. When accessing and using the facilities, supervision and age restrictions may apply.

(C) Membership and use information Memberships may be used during open recreation hours as established by each facility. Holiday and annual maintenance shutdowns are considered in the membership cost. Age restrictions to specific areas of the facility may apply. Visit the campus recreation website http://www.ohio.edu/recreation for more information on these topics or cal the campus recreation information line at 740-597-2732.

Ohio university students and departments have priority in the use of recreation facilities. The overall impact on facility utilization and operations by non-university members or guests will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that no undue conflicts arises in facility availability or conflicts with the core mission of Ohio university.

(D) Facility rentals

Facility or programmatic spaces are available for full or partial rentals, and may include services provided within the department of campus recreation. Ohio university students and departments have priority in the reservation and use of recreation facilities and programmatic spaces. Visit http://www.ohio.edu/recreation for reservation information and fees. All reservations must be approved by the department of campus recreation.

The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at https://www.ohio.edu/policy/24-030.html

Ohio Admin. Code 3337-24-30

Effective: 5/17/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3337.01
Rule Amplifies: 3337.01
Prior Effective Dates: 06/30/2016