This policy ensures that major events sponsored by university departments, student organizations, and external partners and non-university affiliated users of university property are produced in a manner that reasonably assures the health and safety of all involved, limits civil and financial liability, is legal, and is consistent with applicable university policy.
For the purposes of this policy, a "major event" is defined as a public event that is expected to draw at least two hundred attendees, and/or an event which involves the services and usage of three or more Ohio university entities (e.g., parking and transportation, facilities, Ohio university police department OUPD, conference and event services, etc.). Examples include parades, street fairs, Athens community-based events, etc., or if an event is deemed by any member of the committee to pose a potential health and safety concern or civil and/or financial liability. Excluded from the purview of this policy are events in the following categories:
If in doubt about whether a proposed event is subject to this policy, contact the chair of the major events committee, contact information for the chair can be found on the major events committee website.
Staffing of all events must be of the quality and quantity to ensure adequate management of the anticipated audience both in the facility where the event is being held and in surrounding spaces, including parking areas.
Event planners must secure a facility reservation directly from the office or individual responsible for the facility, as well as parking areas, which is managed by parking and transportation services. Any approval by the major events committee is contigent upon the planner's securing of a facility reservation. At the time of granting a tentative reservation, the facility coordinator will remind the event planner of the need for approval under this policy.
Event planners must assume full responsibility for costs incured in the production of an event. Student and external organizations must not in any way place Ohio university in a position of financial liability.
The major events committee composition is assigned by the vice president of student affairs and the vice president for finance and administration. Members of the committee can be found on the major events committee website.
The major events committee may ask event planers to submit a formal event proposal. If a new major event is being planned, event planners should contact the chair of the major events committee as soon as possible to informally discuss plans for the event, to ensure that the planners understand the scope of the planning effort required for such an event and have realistic expectations as to the timetables likely to be followed by the committee. Contact information for the chair can be found on the major events committee website.
Formal event proposals can be requested by the major events committee. Upon completion the proposal form shall be provided to the chair of the major events committee on the major events proposal form, and shall include:
The chair of the committee shall distribute information about the proposed event to committee members and specify a deadline for objection. Without objection, the chair may recommend approval. If the chair or any member of the committee objects, the chair shall convene the committee to meet with event planners, review additional information, and make a decision.
The committee shall review proposal(s) and may request additional information of those proposing the event. The committee shall consider the proposal in light of the degree to which the event can be held in a manner that:
In making their assessment, the committee shall consider the degree to which the event can be implemented in a manner that reasonably assures the safety and health of all involved and ensures there are adequate university resources to support, considering specifically the following criteria:
Can the electrical power requirements be met with existing electrical capacity? If not, have the event planners made acceptable provisions to supplement existing systems?
Do the plans adequately assure the return of all spaces to their original condition in terms of maintenance, repair, cleaning, and other custodial services; trash and recycling removal; and grounds repair (excepting normal wear and tear)?
Are the plans for preparation, delivery, and service of food and beverages consistent with law and university policy?
Can the event occur without causing unreasonable disturbance to the local community, to normal university operations (e.g., classes, labs, or offices), or to students living in university residence halls or apartments?
A lack of sufficient time to adequately complete the planning for the event may by itself be sufficient cause for denial of approval of a proposed event.
Can any other precautions not explicity addressed in other criteria be identified to ensure fire and life safety in the planned activities?
If the committee denies approval of a proposed event, the chair will provide the applicant with an explanation of the committee's decision.
Denials may be appealed to the vice president for student affairs.
Ohio Admin. Code 3337-1-30
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3337.01
Rule Amplifies: 3337.01