Chapter 3309-1 - General Provisions
- Section 3309-1-01 - Membership effective date
- Section 3309-1-02 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Definition of compensation
- Section 3309-1-02 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Definition of compensation
- Section 3309-1-03 - Staff authority and appeals
- Section 3309-1-04 - Election of retirement board members
- Section 3309-1-05 - Policy on investment department incentive plan payouts
- Section 3309-1-06 - Ohio-qualified agents and investment managers
- Section 3309-1-07 - Application for payment upon termination of employment
- Section 3309-1-08 - Payment of benefits and allowances
- Section 3309-1-09 - Federal taxation
- Section 3309-1-10 - Mandatory direct deposit
- Section 3309-1-11 - Membership determinations
- Section 3309-1-12 - Contributing service credit; determination of
- Section 3309-1-13 - Obtaining optional or compulsory service credit
- Section 3309-1-14 - Purchasing leave of absence service credit
- Section 3309-1-15 - Applicable law in determining survivor benefits
- Section 3309-1-16 - Qualified child attending educational institution
- Section 3309-1-17 - Allowances and benefits payable
- Section 3309-1-18 - Payment of contributions
- Section 3309-1-19 - Member enrollment
- Section 3309-1-20 - Validity of marriage
- Section 3309-1-21 - Estimated retirement allowances
- Section 3309-1-22 - Disability retirement - effective date
- Section 3309-1-23 - Contributing status; compulsory and optional
- Section 3309-1-24 - Ohio service credit and calculation of final average salary
- Section 3309-1-25 - Notice of meetings
- Section 3309-1-26 - Beneficiaries
- Section 3309-1-27 - Intersystem transfers with non-uniform systems
- Section 3309-1-28 - Purchase of service credit; military
- Section 3309-1-29 - Purchase of service credit; out-of-state and other
- Section 3309-1-30 - Eligibility for retirement
- Section 3309-1-31 - Adjusting retirement eligibility requirements
- Section 3309-1-32 - Cost-of-living; base allowance change
- Section 3309-1-33 - Retirement and benefit effective dates
- Section 3309-1-34 - Combined disability benefits
- Section 3309-1-35 - Health care
- Section 3309-1-36 - Restoration of cancelled SERS service credit
- Section 3309-1-37 - Surviving spouse or dependent may purchase credit
- Section 3309-1-38 - Interest rate
- Section 3309-1-39 - Purchase of police and fire and highway patrol service
- Section 3309-1-40 - Application and procedures for receiving disability benefits
- Section 3309-1-41 - Appeals for denial and termination of disability benefits
- Section 3309-1-42 - Options; pop-up and election of new option
- Section 3309-1-43 - Service credit established under retirement incentive plan
- Section 3309-1-44 - Purchase of service credit; pregnancy and adoption resignation
- Section 3309-1-45 - Release of names, addresses and information
- Section 3309-1-46 - Retirement - option selection
- Section 3309-1-47 - Purchase of school board member service
- Section 3309-1-48 - Effect of applicant's death on retirement application
- Section 3309-1-49 - Purchase of exempt service credit
- Section 3309-1-50 - Re-employment restrictions
- Section 3309-1-51 - Recovery of overpayments
- Section 3309-1-52 - Travel and expense reimbursement
- Section 3309-1-53 - Rollover distributions and trustee-to-trustee transfers
- Section 3309-1-54 - Purchase of service credit by payroll deduction
- Section 3309-1-55 - Responsibility for health care coverage
- Section 3309-1-56 - Alternative retirement programs
- Section 3309-1-57 - Rule on rules
- Section 3309-1-58 - Retirement of member pursuant to section 3309.343 of the Revised Code
- Section 3309-1-59 - Cincinnati retirement system
- Section 3309-1-60 - Division of property orders
- Section 3309-1-61 - Reemployment covered by Section 3309.345
- Section 3309-1-62 - Retirement plan required by court order
- Section 3309-1-63 - Plan F - multiple beneficiaries
- Section 3309-1-64 - Dental and vision coverage
- Section 3309-1-65 - Medicare part B reimbursement account
- Section 3309-1-66 - Application for early medicare coverage
- Section 3309-1-67 - Electronic transactions
- Section 3309-1-68 - Guardianship
- Section 3309-1-69 - Cybersecurity incident notification responsibilities
- Section 3309-1-70 - Contribution based benefit cap