Section 3301-27-01 - Qualifications to direct, supervise, or coach a pupil-activity program(A) As used in this rule: (1) "Pupil-activity program" means a program that does not include any class or course required or offered for credit toward a pupil's promotion to the next grade or for graduation, or any activity conducted as a part of or required for such a class or course.(2) "School" means chartered public, chartered nonpublic or community school.(B) A pupil-activity permit may only be applied for and issued to an individual who: (1) Does not currently hold a valid educator license, certificate or permit issued pursuant to sections 3319.22, 3319.26, and 3319.27 of the Revised Code. This permit is valid for three years; or(2) Currently holds a valid educator license, certificate, or permit issued pursuant to section 3319.22, 3319.26 or 3319.27 of the Revised Code. This permit is valid for the same duration as the educator license, certificate or permit currently held by the individual that is issued pursuant to those sections of the Revised Code. An individual hired to direct, supervise or coach a pupil activity program that does not involve athletics or routine or regular physical activity or health and safety considerations is not required to hold a pupil activity permit pursuant to section 3319.303 of the Revised Code, if that individual holds a current valid educator license issued under section 3319.22, 3319.26, or 3319.27 of the Revised Code; or(3) Currently holds a valid permanent teaching certificate. This permit is valid for five years. An individual hired to direct, supervise or coach a pupil activity program that does not involve athletics or routine or regular physical activity or health and safety considerations is not required to hold a pupil activity permit pursuant to section 3319.303 of the Revised Code, if that individual holds a valid permanent teaching certificate.(C) Prior to the employment of any individual for a pupil-activity program, the hiring authority shall ensure compliance with all applicable law and that the individual is competent to direct, supervise, or coach a pupil-activity program using, at minimum, the following criteria: (1) Evidence that the individual has successfully demonstrated the ability to work effectively with pupils;(2) Evidence that the individual possesses a substantive knowledge of the applied for pupil-activity program. Examples of substantive knowledge include successful completion of a college or university course related to the applied for pupil activity program or successful work experience, as determined by hiring authority in the applied for pupil-activity program;(3) The individual's knowledge of the school's applicable rules and regulations and the licensure code of professional conduct for Ohio educators, which can be located on the Ohio department of education website (;(4) Evidence that the individual has completed a fundamentals of coaching course approved by the Ohio department of education; and(5) Evidence that the individual has completed all of the requirements specified in paragraph (E) of this rule. All requirements shall remain valid during the time for which the pupil activity permit is issued.(D) Before hiring or allowing any individual employed directly, or pursuant to a contract with a public or private entity for the provision of services to direct, to supervise or coach a pupil activity program that involves athletics, routine or regular physical activity or health and safety considerations, the hiring authority shall assure that the individual has obtained a pupil-activity permit issued by the state board of education under division (A) or (B) of section 3319.303 of the Revised Code and paragraph (E) of this rule.(E) Any individual who holds a pupil-activity permit issued in accordance with this rule, as verified by the hiring authority upon employment, shall demonstrate that he or she: (1) Is deemed to be of good moral character as defined in rule 3301-24-01 of the Administrative Code;(2) Has successfully completed and, unless otherwise stated in law, maintained an approved training course in the following areas during the period for which the pupil-activity permit is issued:(a) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR);(b) Brain trauma and brain injury management as required in section 3319.303 of the Revised Code;(c) The symptoms of concussions and head injuries as required by section 3319.303 of the Revised Code.(d) Sudden cardiac arrest as required by section 3707.59 of the Revised Code; and(e) First-aid training through one of the following methods: (i) A nationally recognized first-aid training program as designated on the approved list provided by the Ohio department of education (located in the pupil-activity provider information packet available on the department's website at;(ii) A college or university course on the health and safety of participants in a pupil-activity program;(iii) A two-hour first-aid training course that has been pre-approved in accordance with the policies and procedures of the department of education (located in the pupil-activity provider information packet available on the department's website at; or(iv) Be the holder of a currently valid professional board license in one of the categories specified on the approved list provided by the Ohio department of education (located in the pupil activity provider information packet available on the department's website at An individual may renew the pupil-activity permit upon evidence that:(1) The individual currently holds, or has held, a pupil-activity permit of the same term length; and(2) The individual continues to meet all of the requirements set forth in paragraph (E) of this rule .Ohio Admin. Code 3301-27-01
Effective: 3/31/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/14/2022 and 03/31/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3319.303
Rule Amplifies: 3319.303
Prior Effective Dates: 08/01/1980, 08/01/1995, 12/30/2004, 05/21/2005, 10/23/2009, 03/26/2015, 04/22/2016, 11/02/2017