Chapter 3301-13 - Proficiency Tests
- Section 3301-13-01 - Definitions
- Section 3301-13-02 - Administering state tests at the designated grades
- Section 3301-13-03 - Establishing provisions for the participation of students with disabilities in state tests administered at the designated grades
- Section 3301-13-04 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Establishing provisions for a waiver by the superintendent of public instruction
- Section 3301-13-04 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Establishing provisions for a waiver by the director of education and workforce
- Section 3301-13-05 - Establishing security and security investigation provisions for tests
- Section 3301-13-06 - Scoring and reporting tests
- Section 3301-13-07 - Establishing the provisions and decision procedures for the fairness sensitivity review committees
- Section 3301-13-08 - [Rescinded] Establishing provisions for an oral administration of the ninth-grade proficiency tests required for graduation
- Section 3301-13-09 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Provisions for an excuse from taking any assessment required for graduation for an adult with disabilities or for providing accommodations on any assessment required for graduation for an adult with disabilities, twenty-two or more years of age, and enrolled in adult high school continuation program
- Section 3301-13-09 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Provisions for an excuse from taking any assessment necessary for graduation for an adult with disabilities or for providing accommodations on any assessment necessary for graduation for an adult with disabilities, twenty-two or more years of age, and enrolled in adult high school continuation program
- Section 3301-13-10 - [Effective until 7/1/2025] Standard to develop a plan for any accommodation for or an excuse from statewide tests for students with disabilities in chartered nonpublic schools
- Section 3301-13-10 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Standard to develop a plan for any accommodation for or an excuse from statewide tests for students with disabilities in chartered nonpublic schools
- Section 3301-13-11 - Identification, instruction, assessment, and reclassification of English learners