Ohio Admin. Code 173-42-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 173-42-01 - PASSPORT program (medicaid-funded component): introduction and definitions
(A) Introduction: This chapter regulates the medicaid-funded component of the PASSPORT program created under section 173.52 of the Revised Code. (See Chapter 173-40 of the Administrative Code for rules on the state-funded component of the PASSPORT program.)
(B) Definitions for this chapter:

"Authorized representative" has the same meaning as in rule 5160-1-33 of the Administrative Code.

"Nursing facility" has the same meaning as in section 5165.01 of the Revised Code.

"ODA" means the Ohio department of aging.

"ODA's designee" has the same meaning as in rule 173-39-01 of the Administrative Code.

"ODM" means the Ohio department of medicaid.

"ODM's administrative agency" has the same meaning as "administrative agency" in rule 5160:1-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

"PASSPORT program" means the medicaid-funded component of the PASSPORT program created under section 173.52 of the Revised Code.

"Person-centered services plan" means the outline of services that a case manager authorizes a provider to provide to an individual, regardless of the funding source for those services. It includes the person-centered planning in rule 5160-44-02 of the Administrative Code.

Ohio Admin. Code 173-42-01

Effective: 2/7/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/23/2021 and 11/30/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 121.07, 173.01, 173.02, 173.52
Rule Amplifies: 173.52; 42 C.FR. 441.352
Prior Effective Dates: 02/22/2001, 10/03/2005 (Emer.), 01/13/2006, 01/14/2010, 03/12/2011, 09/29/2011, 03/01/2014, 07/01/2016, 02/01/2017, 11/01/2018