Section 75-09.1-10-10 - Opioid treatment program administrative organization and responsibilities1. Each opioid treatment program shall develop a referral and consultative relationship with a network of agencies and providers capable of providing primary and specialty services for the range of behavioral difficulties, psychiatric comorbid conditions, medical complications, and communicable diseases that may be part of a patient's treatment needs. Any information exchanged across this network must facilitate treatment and protect patient privacy, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and title 42, Code of Federal Regulations, part 2.2. Each opioid treatment program shall create a written statement of its mission and goals for patient care.3. An opioid treatment program shall maintain individualized personnel files as a record of employment. These files must contain employment and credentialing data, employment application data, date of employment, updated licensing and credentialing data, detailed job descriptions, performance evaluations, and appropriate training records.4. An opioid treatment program shall require a criminal history record investigation as set forth under section 75-09.1-01-17 for an employee prior to allowing the employee to work with either adult or adolescent patients.5. An opioid treatment program shall complete outcomes and data reports as requested by the division.6. An opioid treatment program shall utilize the prescription drug monitoring program at least monthly for each patient.N.D. Admin Code 75-09.1-10-10
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2014-352, April 2014, effective April 1, 2014. .General Authority: NDCC 50-31-08
Law Implemented: NDCC 50-31-08