N.D. Admin. Code 75-09.1-07-01
As used in this chapter:
1. "Assertive referral" means the identification of appropriate services and actively assisting the client to connect with the service provider and follow through with the plan of service.
2. "Chronic" means diagnosed chemical dependency or severe and persistent mental illness as described in the DSM and characterized by long duration and progression of symptoms, frequent recurrence or relapse, and a prognosis that indicates continuous clinical care or support or both to maintain stability and remission or reduction of symptoms.
3. "Chronic care and maintenance services" means outpatient services necessary and appropriate to assist a client who is chronically chemically dependent or chronically mentally ill or both to maintain stability and live in the community as independently as possible. Such services include professionally directed case management, psychiatric care, support services, monitored medication administration, professional addiction counseling, mental health counseling, mental health and chemical dependency assessment, social services, supported housing, and other services sufficient to allow a client to live outside an institutional setting. This service may be provided as a component of services within a residential or transitional living setting or other such facility but would not require formal attachment to that facility.
4. "Intentional community treatment and support" means proactively identifying client needs and deficits and seeking to identify and put in place services or resources to address those needs and deficits through assertive referral, active implementation, and continuous monitoring by treatment personnel.
5. "Outpatient services" means an organized nonresidential service or an office practice that provides professionally directed aftercare, individual, and other addiction services to clients according to a predetermined regular schedule of fewer than nine contact hours a week.
N.D. Admin Code 75-09.1-07-01
General Authority: NDCC 50-06-16, 50-31
Law Implemented: NDCC 50-31