N.D. Admin. Code 45-07-01.1-01
As used in this chapter:
1. "Affiliate" has the same meaning as defined in North Dakota Century Code section 26.1-10-01.
2. "Control" has the same meaning as defined in North Dakota Century Code section 26.1-10-01.
3. "Evidence of individual insurability" means a statement furnished by the debtor, as a condition of insurance becoming effective, that relates specifically to the health status or to the health or medical history of the debtor.
4. "Loss ratio" means incurred claims divided by earned premiums.
5. "Preexisting condition" means any condition for which the insured debtor received medical advice, consultation, or treatment within six months before the effective date of coverage.
N.D. Admin Code 45-07-01.1-01
General Authority: NDCC 26.1-37-15
Law Implemented: NDCC 26.1-37