N.D. Admin. Code 33.1-15-14-03

Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
Section 33.1-15-14-03 - Minor source permit to operate
1.Permit to operate required.
a. Except as provided in subdivisions c and d, no person may operate or cause the routine operation of an installation or source designated in section 33.1-15-14-01 without applying for and obtaining, in accordance with this section, a permit to operate. Application for a permit to operate a new installation or source must be made at least thirty days prior to startup of routine operation. Those sources that received a permit to construct under section 33.1-15-14-02, need only submit a thirty-day prior notice of proposed startup to satisfy the requirement to apply for a permit to operate under this subdivision.
b. No person may operate or cause the operation of an installation or source in violation of any permit to operate or any condition imposed upon a permit to operate or in violation of this article.
c. Sources that are subject to the title V permitting requirements of section 33.1-15-14-06 are exempt from the requirements of this section.
d. Sources that are exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit to construct under subsection 13 of section 33.1-15-14-02 are exempt from this section.
e. Sources which are subject to the title V permitting requirements in section 33.1-15-14-06 based solely on their potential to emit may apply for a federally enforceable minor source permit to operate which would limit their potential to emit to a level below the title V permit to operate applicability threshold.
f. Permits which are issued under this section which do not conform to the requirements of this section, including public participation under subdivision a of subsection 5 of section 33.1-15-14-03, and the requirements of any United States environmental protection agency regulations may be deemed not federally enforceable by the United States environmental protection agency.
g. General permits. The department may issue a general permit covering numerous similar sources. Any general permit shall comply with all requirements applicable to other minor source permits to operate and shall identify criteria by which sources may qualify for the general permit. To sources that qualify, the department shall grant the conditions and terms of the general permit. Sources that would qualify for a general permit must apply to the department for coverage under the terms of the general permit or apply for an individual minor source permit to operate. Without repeating the public participation procedures under subsection 5 of section 33.1-15-14-03, the department may grant a source's request for authorization to operate under a general permit.
2.Application for permit to operate.
a. Application for a permit to operate must be made by the owner or operator thereof on forms furnished by the department.
b. Each application for a permit to operate must be accompanied by such performance tests results, information, and records as may be required by the department to determine whether the requirements of this article will be met. Such information may also be required by the department at any time when the source is being operated to determine compliance with this article.
c. Each application must be signed by the applicant, which signature shall constitute an agreement that the applicant will assume responsibility for the operation of the installation or source in accordance with this article.
3.Standards for granting permits to operate. No permit to operate may be granted unless the applicant shows to the satisfaction of the department that the source is in compliance with this article.
4.Performance testing.
a. Before a permit to operate is granted, the applicant, if required by the department, shall conduct performance tests in accordance with methods and procedures required by this article or methods and procedures approved by the department. Such tests must be made at the expense of the applicant. The department may monitor such tests and may also conduct performance tests.
b. Emission tests or performance tests or both shall be conducted by the owner or operator of a facility and data reduced in accordance with the applicable procedure, limitations, standards, and test methods established by this article. Issuance of a minor source permit to operate is subject to the faithful completion of the test in accordance with this article.
c. All dates and periods of trial operation for the purpose of performance or emission testing pursuant to a permit to operate must be approved in advance by the department. Trial operation shall cease if the department determines, on the basis of the test results, that continued operation will result in the violation of this article. Upon completion of any test conducted under a permit to construct, the department may order the cessation of the operation of the tested equipment or facility until such time as a permit to operate has been issued by the department.
d. Upon review of the performance data resulting from any test, the department may require the installation of such additional control equipment as will bring the facility into compliance with this article.
e. Nothing in this article may be construed to prevent the department from conducting any test upon its own initiative or from requiring the owner or operator to conduct any test at such time as the department may determine.
5.Action on applications.
a. Public participation. This subdivision is applicable to only those sources which apply for a federally enforceable minor source permit to operate which limits their potential to emit an air contaminant. The department shall:
(1) Within ninety days of receipt of a complete application:
(a) Make a preliminary determination concerning issuance of the permit to operate.
(b) Make available in at least one location in the county or counties in which the source is located or on the department's website, a copy of the proposed permit and copies of or a summary of the information considered in developing the permit.
(c) Publish notice to the public by prominent advertisement, in the region affected, of the opportunity for written comment on the proposed permit. The public notice must include the proposed location of the source.
(d) Provide notice of the proposed permit and public notice to any state or federal land manager, or Indian governing body whose lands will be significantly affected by the source's emissions. For purposes of this subparagraph, lands will be considered to be significantly affected if the source is located within thirty-one and seven hundredths miles [50 kilometers] of such land.
(e) Provide a copy of the proposed permit, all information considered in the development of the permit and the public notice to the regional administrator of the United States environmental protection agency.
(2) Allow thirty days for public comment.
(3) Consider all public comments properly received, in making the final decision on the application.
(4) Allow the applicant to submit written responses to public comments received by the department. The applicant's responses must be submitted to the department within twenty days of the close of the public comment period.
(5) Take final action on the application within thirty days of the applicant's response to the public comments.
(6) Provide a copy of the final permit, if issued, to the applicant, the regional administrator of the United States environmental protection agency, and anyone who requests a copy.
b. For those sources not subject to public participation under subdivision a, the department shall act within thirty days after receipt of an application for a permit to operate a new installation or source, and within thirty days after receipt of an application to operate an existing installation or source, and shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the approval, conditional approval, or denial of the application.
c. The department shall set forth in any notice of denial the reasons for denial. A denial must be without prejudice to the applicant's right to a hearing before the department or for filing a further application after revisions are made to meet objections specified as reasons for the denial.
6.Permit to operate - Conditions. The department may impose any reasonable conditions upon a permit to operate. All emission limitations, controls, and other requirements imposed by conditions on the permit to operate must be at least as stringent as any applicable limitation or requirement contained in this article. Permit to operate conditions may include:
a. Sampling, testing, and monitoring of the facilities or ambient air or both.
b. Trial operation and performance testing.
c. Prevention and abatement of nuisance conditions caused by operation of the facility.
d. Recordkeeping and reporting.
e. Compliance with applicable rules and regulations in accordance with a compliance schedule.
f. Limits on the hours of operation of a source or its processing rate, fuel usage, or production rate when necessary to assure compliance with this article.
7.Suspension or revocation of permit to operate.
a. The department may suspend or revoke a permit to operate for violation of this article, violations of a permit condition, or failure to respond to a notice of violation or any order issued pursuant to this article.
b. Suspension or revocation of a permit to operate shall become final ten days after serving notice on the holder of the permit.
c. A permit to operate which has been revoked pursuant to this article must be surrendered forthwith to the department.
d. No person may operate or cause the operation of an installation or source if the department denies or revokes a permit to operate.
8.Transfer of permit to operate. The holder of a permit to operate may not transfer it without the prior approval of the department.
9.Renewal of permit to operate. Every permit to operate issued by the department after February 9, 1976, must have a maximum term of five years. Applications for renewal of such permits must be submitted ninety days prior to the expiration date stated in the permit. The department shall approve or disapprove such application within ninety days. If a source submits a complete application for a permit renewal at least ninety days prior to the expiration date, the source's failure to have a minor source permit to operate is not a violation of this section until the department takes final action on the renewal application.
12.Responsibility to comply.
a. Possession of a minor source permit to operate does not relieve any person of the responsibility to comply with this article.
b. The exemption of any stationary source from the requirements to obtain a minor source permit to operate does not relieve the owner or operator of such source of the responsibility to comply with any other applicable portions of this article.
13.Portable sources. Sources which are designed to be portable and which are operated at temporary jobsites across the state may not be considered a new source by virtue of location changes. One application for a permit to operate any portable source may be filed in accordance with this chapter, and subsequent applications are not required for each temporary jobsite. The permit to operate issued by the department shall be conditioned by such specific requirements as the department deems appropriate to carry out the provisions of sections 33.1-15-01-07 and 33.1-15-01-15.
14.Registration of exempted stationary sources. The department may require that the owner or operator of any stationary source exempted from the requirement to obtain a minor source permit to operate to register the source with the department within such time limits and on such forms as the department may prescribe.
15.Extensions of time. The department may extend any of the time periods specified in this section upon notification of the applicant by the department.
16.Amendment of permits. When the public interest requires or when necessary to ensure the accuracy of the permit, the department may modify any condition or information contained in a minor source permit to operate. Modification shall be made only upon the department's own motion and the procedure shall, at a minimum, conform to any requirements of federal and state law. In the event that the modification would be a major modification as defined in 33.1-15-15, the department shall follow the procedures established in 33.1-15-15. For those of concern to the public, or modify a condition which limits the potential to emit of a source which possesses a federally enforceable permit, the department will provide:
a. Reasonable notice to the public, in the area to be affected, of the opportunity for comment on the proposed modification and the opportunity for a public hearing, upon request, as well as written public comment.
b. A minimum of a thirty-day period for written public comment with the opportunity for a public hearing during that thirty-day period, upon request.
c. Consideration by the department of all comments received.

The department may require the submission of such maps, plans, specifications, emission information, and compliance schedules as it deems necessary prior to the issuance of an amendment. It is the intention of the department that this subsection shall apply only in those instances allowed by federal rules and regulations and only in those instances in which the granting of a variance pursuant to section 33.1-15-01-06 and enforcement of existing permit conditions are manifestly inappropriate.

N.D. Admin Code 33.1-15-14-03

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 370, October 2018, effective 1/1/2019.

General Authority: NDCC 23.1-06-04, 23.1-06-09; S.L. 2017, ch. 199, § 1

Law Implemented: NDCC 23.1-06-04, 23.1-06-09; S.L. 2017, ch. 199, § 21