N.D. Admin. Code 24.1-05-01-01

Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
Section 24.1-05-01-01 - Electrical certificates
1. All electrical installations, including power limited system installations defined by the National Electrical Code Special Occupancies, articles 500 through 517, with a value of five hundred dollars or more, must have an electrical wiring certificate submitted by the master, class B, or power limited electrician supervising the installation on a form prescribed by the board. A project with multiple address locations requires an electrical wiring certificate for each location.
2. Before work commences on any electrical installation when a new service is installed, an existing service is altered or repaired, a building is moved, when a mobile home service or feeder is installed, or when the cost of the repair work or additional installation exceeds five hundred dollars, the master, class B, or power limited electrician supervising such installation shall submit an electrical wiring certificate and distribute as follows:
a. A startup copy of the certificate must be submitted to the board and a copy to the power company before work is commenced and before an electrical installation may be energized.
b. Within fifteen days of completion, use, or occupancy, whichever is first, the final paperwork must be submitted to the board, along with the proper fee. The wiring certificate must be completed with the location and a proper description of work completed.
c. A copy must be retained by the master, class B, or power limited electrician.
d. A copy must be left in or on the panel or given to the owner.
3. Certificates with job cost of twenty thousand dollars or less are valid twelve months from the original filing date. A new wiring certificate must be filed on all unfinished work.
4. E-certs are available upon request and submission of an application from any master, class B, or power limited electrician holding a proper current license from the board. The master, class B, or power limited electrician is responsible for all certificates issued to and by that person. A charge of twenty-five dollars to cover board costs must be assessed on each lost electrical paper wiring certificate issued to any master, class B, or power limited electrician, unless returned to the board.
5. Whenever an electrical installation made by or under the supervision of a master, class B, or power limited electrician is commenced or in use without submitting an electrical wiring certificate, as directed in subsection 2, the certificate may be considered late and the normal inspection fee, as required under this section, is increased in the amount of fifty dollars. In addition when time and travel are expended by employees of the board to obtain a late certificate, an investigative fee may be charged to cover the costs incurred. Costs are to be calculated at a rate of fifty dollars per hour and mileage rates currently allowed by North Dakota Century Code section 54-06-09 per mile of travel.
6. Property owners who are self-wiring or doing their own electrical work shall comply with the following before any electrical work commences:
a. Notify the board office of intent to self-wire.
b. Must own and occupy the residential property or farmstead where the electrical work will be done.
c. Review plans or drawings depicting wiring to be done with the local electrical inspector.
d. Inspection fees will be calculated as stated in this section with a minimum of fifty dollars.
e. Certification and inspection are required as stated in this section.

N.D. Admin Code 24.1-05-01-01

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 2017-364, April 2017, effective 4/1/2017.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 367, January 2018, effective 1/1/2018.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-377, July 2020, effective 7/1/2020.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-378, October 2020, effective 7/1/2020.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2024-393, July 2024, effective 7/1/2024.

General Authority: NDCC 43-09-05

Law Implemented: NDCC 43-09-21, 43-09-22