12 N.C. Admin. Code 9B.0403

Current through Register Vol. 39, No. 13, January 2, 2025
(a) The Standards Division staff shall evaluate each law enforcement officer's training and experience to determine if equivalent training has been completed as specified in Rule .0402(a) of this Section. Applicants for certification with prior law enforcement experience shall have been employed in a full-time, sworn law enforcement position in order to be considered for training evaluation under this Rule. Applicants for certification with a combination of full-time and part-time experience shall be evaluated on the basis of the full-time experience only. The determination of full time or part time is determined by the employing agency who submits the applicant's certification documents. For the purposes of this Rule, equivalent training is the topics of instruction successfully completed at a federal, military or out of state law enforcement training academy. The following criteria shall be used by Standards Division staff in evaluating a law enforcement officer's training and experience to determine eligibility for a waiver of training requirements:
(1) Persons having completed a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course and not having been duly appointed and sworn as a law enforcement officer within one year of completion of the course shall complete a subsequent Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course, as prescribed in Rule .0405(a) of this Section, and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination prior to obtaining probationary law enforcement certification, unless the Director determines that a delay in applying for certification was not due to inaction or fault on the part of the applicant, in which case the Director shall accept a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course that is over one year old. The appointing agency shall request in writing the extension of the one year period, which shall not exceed 30 days from the first year anniversary of the passing of the State Comprehensive Examination;
(2) Out-of-state transferees shall be evaluated to determine the amount and quality of their training and experience. Out-of-state transferees shall not have a break in service exceeding three years. At a minimum, out-of-state transferees shall have two years' full-time, sworn law enforcement experience and have completed a basic law enforcement training course accredited by the transferring state. An individual's attendance at his or her basic law enforcement class shall not count towards the two years' full-time sworn law enforcement experience. Prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer, out-of-state transferees shall complete with a passing score the employing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0106. In addition, out-of-state transferees shall complete the Legal Unit in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as prescribed in Rule .0205(b)(1) of this Subchapter and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination within the 12 month probationary period;
(3) Persons who have completed a 369-hour Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course under guidelines administered beginning October 1, 1984, have been separated from a sworn position for over one year but less than three years, and who have had a minimum of two years' experience as a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer in North Carolina shall complete the Legal Unit in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as prescribed in Rule .0205(b)(1) of this Subchapter and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination within the 12 month probationary period. Prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer, these persons shall complete with a passing score the employing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0106;
(4) Persons who have completed a 396-hour Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course under guidelines administered beginning October 1, 1984, have been separated from a sworn position more than one year but less than five years and who have a minimum of two years' experience as a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer in North Carolina, who have not committed, as defined in 12 NCAC 09A .0103(5), or been convicted of a disqualifying criminal offense as listed in Rule .0111(a) of this Subchapter, and who have successfully completed the mandatory in-service training requirements pursuant to 12 NCAC 09E .0105 or 12 NCAC 10B .2005, with the exception of Firearms Training and Requalification, during each year the person was separated from a sworn position prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer shall complete the topic areas within the following time frames:
(A) Prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer, the person shall complete the appointing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0106;
(B) Prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer, the person shall achieve a passing score on the practical skills testing for the First Responder, Law Enforcement Driver Training, and Subject Control Arrest Techniques topics set forth in Rule .0205(b)(5) of this Subchapter. The person shall also successfully complete the Police Officer Physical Abilities Test. The practical skills testing and the Police Officer Physical Abilities Test may be completed either in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course or under the instruction of a Commission-certified instructor for that particular skill. The person shall also meet the requirements per Rule .0101 of this Subchapter; and
(C) Within 12 months of being issued probationary certification, the person shall complete the remaining topics in the legal unit of instruction in the Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as set forth in Rule .0205(b)(1) of this Subchapter. The person shall achieve a passing score on the appropriate topic tests for each course. The person may undertake each of these legal unit topics of instruction either in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course or under the instruction of a Commission-certified instructor for that particular topic of instruction.

An individual's attendance at his or her basic law enforcement class shall not count towards the two years' full-time sworn law enforcement experience. Persons who meet the criteria of this Part shall be processed as a probationary certification and shall serve a one-year probationary period as defined in 12 NCAC 09C .0303;

(5) Persons who have been separated from a sworn position for over one year but less than three years who have had less than two years' experience as a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer in North Carolina shall complete a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course, as prescribed in Rule .0405(a) of this Section, and achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination;
(6) Persons who have been separated from a sworn position for over three years who do not meet the criteria of Subparagraph (4) of this Paragraph shall complete a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course, as prescribed in Rule .0405(a) of this Section, regardless of prior training or experience, and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination;
(7) Persons who have been separated from a sworn law enforcement position during their probationary period after having completed a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course and who have been separated from a sworn law enforcement position for more than one year shall complete a subsequent Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination;
(8) Upon reappointment to the same agency or appointment to another agency, persons who have been separated from a sworn law enforcement position during their probationary period after having completed a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course shall be charged with the cumulative amount of time served during his initial or subsequent appointments and allowed the remainder of the probationary period to complete Commission requirements, but shall not be required to complete an additional Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course;
(9) Persons who have completed a minimum 160-hour basic law enforcement training program accredited by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Council under guidelines administered beginning on July 1, 1973, and continuing through September 30, 1978, and who have been separated from a sworn law enforcement position for over one year but less than two years shall complete the Legal Unit and the topical area entitled "Law Enforcement Driver Training" of a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as prescribed in Rule .0205(b)(1) and .0205(b)(5)(C) of this Subchapter and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination within the 12 month probationary period;
(10) Persons who have completed a minimum 160-hour basic law enforcement training program accredited by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Council under guidelines administered beginning on July 1, 1973, and continuing through September 30, 1978, and have been separated from a sworn law enforcement position for two or more years shall complete a Commission-accredited basic training program, as prescribed in Rule .0405 of this Section, regardless of training and experience, and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination;
(11) Persons who have completed a minimum 240-hour Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course under guidelines administered beginning October 1, 1978, and continuing through September 30, 1984, and have been separated from a sworn position over one year but less than three years shall complete the Legal Unit in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as prescribed in Rule .0205(b)(1) of this Subchapter and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination within the 12 month probationary period;
(12) Persons previously holding law enforcement certification in accordance with G.S. 17C-10(a) who have been separated from a sworn law enforcement position for over one year and who have not previously completed a minimum basic training program accredited by either the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Council or the Commission shall complete a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course, as prescribed in Rule .0405 of this Section, and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination prior to employment;
(13) Individuals seeking certification with the Commission who have performed duties for the Federal Government as a Criminal Investigator (GS 1811) as defined in the Office of Personnel Management General Schedule, Qualification Standards (https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/classification-qualifications/general-schedule-qualification-standards/1800/criminal-investigation-series-1811/), who have not had a break in service exceeding three years, shall be evaluated to determine the amount and quality of their training and experience. For the purposes of this Rule, equivalent training is the topics of instruction successfully completed at a federal, military, or out of state law enforcement training academy. The following criteria shall be used by Standards Division staff in Division staff in evaluating a law enforcement officer's training and experience to determine eligibility for a waiver of training requirements. At a minimum, individuals shall have two years' full-time, sworn law enforcement experience and have completed a basic law enforcement training course as required by their appointing federal agency. Prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer, these individuals shall complete with a passing score the employing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0106. These individuals shall complete the Basic Law Enforcement Training topics pursuant to 12 NCAC 09B .0205(b)(1)(A), (b)(1)(C), (b)(1)(D), (b)(1)(F), (b)(2)(A), (b)(2)(C), (b)(2)(E), (b)(2)(F), (b)(2)(I), (b)(3)(B), (b)(3)(D), (b)(4)(E), (b)(5)(A), (b)(6)(A), (b)(6)(B), (b)(6)(C), and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination pursuant to 12 NCAC 09B .0406 within the 12 month probationary period. Individuals who submit to the Commission documentation of completion of training equivalent to the topics set forth in 12 NCAC 09B .0205(b)(2)(A), (b)(2)(C), (b)(2)(E), (b)(2)(F), (b)(2)(I), (b)(3)(B), (b)(3)(D), (b)(4)(E), (b)(5)(A), (b)(6)(A), (b)(6)(B), and (b)(6)(C) shall not be required to complete those topics;
(14) Federal law enforcement transferees other than those listed in Subparagraph (a)(13) of this Rule who have not had a break in service exceeding three years shall be evaluated to determine the amount and quality of their training and experience. At a minimum, federal law enforcement officers shall have two years' full-time, sworn law enforcement experience and have completed a basic law enforcement training course as required by their appointing federal agency. Prior to employment as a certified law enforcement officer, transferees shall complete with a passing score the employing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0106. At a minimum, transferees shall complete the Legal Unit in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as prescribed in Rule .0205(b)(1) of this Subchapter and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination within 12 month probationary period;
(15) Applicants with part-time experience who have a break in service in excess of one year shall complete a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course, as prescribed in Rule .0405 of this Section, and shall achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination prior to employment;
(16) Applicants who hold or previously held certification issued by the North Carolina Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission (Sheriffs' Commission) shall be subject to evaluation based on the applicant's active or inactive certification status with the Sheriffs' Commission and the standards contained in Parts (A) through (D) of this Subparagraph. A deputy sheriff certified with the Sheriffs' Commission shall be considered active if he or she has been employed in a full-time, sworn law enforcement position during the previous 12 months. A deputy sheriff certified with the Sheriffs' Commission shall be considered inactive if he or she has not been employed in a full-time, sworn law enforcement position during the previous 12 months.
(A) The Standards Division shall issue certification to an applicant holding active general certification with the Sheriffs' Commission provided that the applicant:
(i) Does not have a break in service of greater than 12 months;
(ii) Has completed the mandatory in-service training requirements pursuant to 12 NCAC 10B .2005 for each year certification was held; and
(iii) Held active status with the Sheriffs' Commission within 12 months of the date the applicant achieved a passing score on the Basic Law Enforcement Training State Comprehensive Examination.
(B) The Standards Division shall issue certification to an applicant holding inactive certification with the Sheriffs' Commission provided that the applicant:
(i) Holds inactive probationary or general certification with the Sheriffs' Commission;
(ii) Has served a minimum of 24 months of full time sworn service or does not have a break in service of greater than 12 months;
(iii) Has completed the mandatory in-service training requirements pursuant to 12 NCAC 10B .2005, with the exception of Firearms Training and Requalification; and
(iv) Held active status with the Sheriffs' Commission within 12 months of the date the applicant achieved a passing score on the Basic Law Enforcement Training State Comprehensive Examination.
(C) An applicant awarded certification with the Sheriffs' Commission by means of the Sheriffs' Standards BLET Challenge as prescribed in 12 NCAC 10B .0505(6)(b) shall meet the following requirements in order to obtain probationary certification from the Commission:
(i) Have a minimum of 24 months of sworn, full-time law enforcement service;
(ii) Not have a break in service of greater than 12 months; and
(iii) Have completed all mandatory in-service requirements pursuant to 12 NCAC 10B .2005 during the previous two years.
(D) An applicant who is a criminal justice officer, as defined in G.S. 17C-2(3), and who is elected Sheriff shall be reinstated by the Commission upon the conclusion of the period of service as Sheriff and in conformance with 12 NCAC 09C .0303;
(17) Alcohol law enforcement agents who received basic alcohol law enforcement training prior to November 1, 1993, and transfer to another law enforcement agency in a sworn capacity shall be subject to evaluation of their prior training and experience on an individual basis. The Standards Division staff shall determine the amount of training required of these applicants, based upon the type of certification held by the applicant and the length of any break in the applicant's sworn, full-time service;
(18) Wildlife enforcement officers who separate from employment with the Wildlife Enforcement Division and transfer to another law enforcement agency in a sworn capacity shall be subject to evaluation of their prior training and experience on an individual basis. The Standards Division staff shall determine the amount of training required of these applicants, based upon the type of certification held by the applicant and the length of any break in the applicant's sworn, full-time service;
(19) Active duty, guard, or reserve military members failing to complete all of the required annual in-service training topics, as defined in 12 NCAC 09E .0105 of this Chapter, due to military obligations are subject to the following training requirements as a condition for return to active criminal justice status. The agency head shall verify the person's completion of the appropriate training by submitting a statement, on Form F-9C, Return to Duty Request form. This form is located on the agency's website: https://ncdoj.gov/law-enforcement-training/criminal-justice/forms-and-publications/;
(A) Active duty members of the armed forces eligible for probationary certification pursuant to this Paragraph and active duty, guard, or reserve military members holding probationary or general certification as a criminal justice officer who fail to complete all of the required annual in-service training topics due to military obligations for up to a period of three years shall complete the previous year's required in-service training topics, the current year's required in-service training topics, and complete with a passing score the appointing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E prior to their return to active criminal justice status;
(B) Active duty, guard, or reserve military members holding probationary or general certification as a criminal justice officer who fail to complete all of the required annual in-service training topics due to military obligations for a period greater than three years shall complete the following topic areas within the following time frames:
(i) The person shall complete the previous year's required in-service training topics, the current year's required in-service training topics, and complete the appointing agency's in-service firearms training and qualification program as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0106 prior to their return to active criminal justice status;
(ii) The person shall achieve a passing score on the practical skills testing for the First Responder, Law Enforcement Driver Training, and Subject Control Arrest Techniques topics enumerated in Rule .0205(b)(5) of this Subchapter prior to returning to active criminal justice status. This practical skills testing may be completed either in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course or under the instruction of a Commission-certified instructor for that particular skill. The person shall complete one physical fitness assessment in lieu of the Fitness Assessment and Testing topic. The person shall also be examined by a physician per Rule .0104(b) of this Subchapter; and
(iii) The person shall complete required topics in the legal unit of instruction in the Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course as set forth in Rule .0205(b)(1) of this Subchapter. The required topics include Motor Vehicle Law; Juvenile Laws and Procedures; Arrest, Search and Seizure/Constitutional Law; and ABC Laws and Procedures. The person shall achieve a passing score on the topic tests for each course. The person may undertake each of these legal unit topics of instruction either in a Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course or under the instruction of a Commission-certified instructor for that particular topic of instruction. The person shall complete each of the enumerated topics of instruction within 12 months from the beginning of his or her return to active criminal justice status; and
(20) An active duty member of the armed forces who completes the Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course in its entirety as prescribed in Rule .0405 of this Subchapter, annually completes the mandatory in-service training topics as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0105, with the exception of the Firearms and Qualification testing requirements contained in 12 NCAC 09E .0105(a)(3) for each year subsequent to the completion of the Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course, and achieves a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination as prescribed in Rule .0406 of this Subchapter within five years of separating from active duty status shall be eligible for probationary certification as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09C .0303 for a period of 12 months from the date he or she separates from active duty status in the armed forces. All mandatory in-service training topics as prescribed in 12 NCAC 09E .0105 shall be completed by the individual prior to receiving probationary certification.
(b) If an evaluation, conducted by Standards Division staff, of the applicant's prior training and experience determines that required attendance in the entire Commission-accredited Basic Law Enforcement Training Course is unnecessary, the Director of the Standards Division shall determine the amount of training the individual shall complete during his or her probationary period.
(c) The following criteria shall be used by Standards Division staff in evaluating prior training and experience of local confinement personnel to determine eligibility for a waiver of training requirements:
(1) Persons who hold probationary, general, or grandfather certification as local confinement personnel and separate after having completed a Commission-accredited basic training course as prescribed in Rule .0224 or .0225 of this Subchapter and have been separated for one year or more shall complete a subsequent Commission-accredited basic training course and achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination during the probationary period as prescribed in Rule .0401(a) of this Subchapter;
(2) Upon reappointment to the same agency or appointment to another agency, persons who have been separated from a local confinement personnel position during their probationary period after having completed a Commission-accredited basic training program course shall be charged with the cumulative amount of time served during his initial or subsequent appointments and allowed the remainder of the probationary period to complete Commission requirements, but shall not be required to complete an additional Commission-accredited basic training course.
(3) Applicants who hold or previously held "Detention Officer Certification" issued by the North Carolina Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission shall be subject to evaluation of their prior training and experience on an individual basis. No additional training shall be required where the applicant obtained certification and successfully completed the required 120 hour training course and has not had a break in service in excess of one year; and
(4) Persons holding certification for local confinement facilities who transfer to a district or county confinement facility shall complete the course for district and county confinement facility personnel, as adopted by reference in Rule .0224 of this Subchapter, and achieve a passing score on the State Comprehensive Examination during the probationary period as prescribed in Rule .0401(a) of this Subchapter.

12 N.C. Admin. Code 09B .0403

Authority G.S. 17C-2; 17C-6; 17C-10; 93B-15.1;
Eff. January 1, 1981;
Amended Eff. October 1, 2017; January 1, 2017; October 1, 2016; November 1, 2014; August 1, 2000; November 1, 1993; March 1, 1992; July 1, 1989; February 1, 1987;
Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, rule is necessary without substantive public interest Eff. May 25, 2019;
Amended Eff. July 1, 2021.
Authority G.S. 17C-6; 17C-10; 17C-10.1; 93B-15.1;
Eff. January 1, 1981;
Amended Eff. August 1, 2000; November 1, 1993; March 1, 1992; July 1, 1989; February 1, 1987.
Amended by North Carolina Register Volume 29, Issue 11, December 1, 2014 effective 11/1/2014.
Amended by North Carolina Register Volume 31, Issue 09, November 1, 2016 effective 10/1/2016.
Amended by North Carolina Register Volume 31, Issue 15, February 1, 2017 effective 1/1/2017.
Amended by North Carolina Register Volume 32, Issue 09, November 1, 2017 effective 10/1/2017.
Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, rule is necessary without substantive public interest Eff. May 25, 2019
Amended by North Carolina Register Volume 35, Issue 23, June 1, 2021 effective 7/1/2021.
Amended by North Carolina Register Volume 38, Issue 13, January 2, 2024 effective 12/1/2023.