Part 148 - Performance Advancement Payments And Performance Award Payments For Employees In The Administrative Services, Institutional Services, And Operational Services Negotiating Units
- Section 148.0 - Statement of policy
- Section 148.1 - Coverage
- Section 148.2 - Definitions
- Section 148.3 - Performance evaluation
- Section 148.4 - Performance advances
- Section 148.5 - Performance awards
- Section 148.6 - Application of performance evaluation procedures to employees in non-graded positions
- Section 148.7 - Performance evaluation appeals
- Section 148.8 - Performance appeals boards
- Section 148.9 - Monitoring the program
- Section 148.10 - Reporting requirements
- Section 148.11 - Agency performance evaluation plans
- Section 148.12 - Waiving of rules and regulations
- Section 148.13 - Repealed