Part 461 - Implementation Of The State Environmental Quality Review Act
- Section 461.1 - Purpose
- Section 461.2 - Severability
- Section 461.3 - Definitions
- Section 461.4 - Designation of lead agency
- Section 461.5 - Action by the Power Authority
- Section 461.6 - List of Type I actions
- Section 461.7 - Type II actions
- Section 461.8 - Actions involving a Federal agency
- Section 461.9 - Preparation and content of environmental impact statements
- Section 461.10 - Programmatic or generic environmental impact statements
- Section 461.11 - Notices, circulation, filing and contents of SEQRA documents
- Section 461.12 - Responsibilities of the director
- Section 461.13 - Decisionmaking and findings requirements
- Section 461.14 - Fees and costs
- Section 461.15 - Confidentiality
- Section 461.16 - List of exempt actions
- Section 461.17 - List of Type II actions
- Section 461.18 - Criteria for determination of significance