Each and every collateral loan broker is required to keep and maintain the books, records and reports as listed below. Each book, record and report is to contain the information as hereinafter indicated.
Date of pledge
Pledge number | Date | R | A or S |
Disposition column | (Renewed) | (Renewed) | (Auction Sale) |
Article pledged
Amount of loan
Pledgor's name and address
Redemption date
Pledge number
Date of pledge
Amount of loan
Interest charges
Extra care charges
All money columns should be footed.
Obtain affidavit from pledgor for lost pledge ticket.
Auction sale date
Pledge number
Description of article
Auction sale lot number
Amount of loan
Selling price to outsiders
Selling price to collateral loan broker (purchase backs)
All stock merchandise submitted for auction sale should be distinctly marked as such.
Auction sale date
Auction lot number
Pledge number
Description of article
Name and address of pledgor
Amount of loan
Interest charges
Extra care charges
Auctioneer's commission
Total (loan, interest and charges)
Auction selling price
All money columns should be footed.
Obtain signed receipt from pledgor for surplus.
It is recommended that where surplus refunds are made to pledgors by mail, the original pledge ticket together with a signed receipt for the surplus should be stapled together and retained for auditing purposes.
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 2 § 15.2