N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 14 § 589.8
Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
(a) A crisis residence program shall continuously employ an adequate number of staff and an appropriate staff composition to carry out its goals and objectives as well as to ensure the continuous provision of sufficient ongoing and emergency supervision. As a component of the written plan for services and staff composition, the crisis residence program shall submit a staffing plan in accordance with Section 589.5(c) of this Part, which includes the qualifications and duties of each staff position, by title. Such plan shall include a written staffing rationale which justifies the staff to be used, the composition of staff and the plan for appropriate supervision and training. This staffing plan shall be based on the population to be served and the services to be provided.(b) All clinical staff must have at least a high-school diploma or its equivalent.(c) Supervisory staff: Crisis Residence programs shall have a continuous provision of sufficient ongoing and emergency supervision. Supervisory staff of crisis residence programs shall be available to assist on at least an on-call basis when not on site. Qualified mental health staff may be considered supervisory staff as set forth in the staffing plan.(16) Other professional disciplines may be included as professional staff provided that the discipline is approved as part of the staffing plan by the Office of Mental Health. The discipline shall be from a field related to the treatment of mental illness. The individual must be licensed in such(d) All staff shall have qualifications appropriate to assigned responsibilities as set forth in the staffing plan and shall practice within the scope of their professional discipline and/or assigned responsibility. All staff shall submit documentation of their training and experience to the crisis residence program. Such documentation shall be verified and retained on file by the crisis residence program.(e) Students or trainees may qualify as clinical staff under the following conditions: (1) the students and trainees are actively participating in a program leading to attainment of a recognized degree or certificate in a field related to mental health at an institution chartered or approved by the New York State Education Department. Limited-permit physicians are considered students or trainees;(2) the students or trainees are supervised and trained by professional staff meeting the qualifications specified in this section, and limited-permit physicians are supervised by physicians;(3) the students or trainees use titles that clearly indicate their status; and(4) written policies and procedures pertaining to the integration of students and trainees within the overall operation of the crisis residence program shall receive approval by the Office of Mental Health.(f) All pre-employment background checks required pursuant to Section 31.35 of the Mental Hygiene Law, Section 495 of the Social Services Law, and Section 424-a of the Social Service Law, shall be conducted in compliance with such laws.(g) Para-professional staff may not work in more than one program during a shift. (h) Additional requirements for Children's Crisis Residence Programs:(1) A children's crisis residence program with six beds or less shall have at least two full-time equivalent para-professional staff on duty during "peak times." For purposes of this part, "peak times" include early mornings, after school, early evenings, weekends and holidays. For eight-bed programs, at least three full time equivalent para-professional staff shall be assigned during "peak times" if more than six beds are occupied.(2) A minimum of two para-professional staff must be on-site for overnight coverage. At any given time during this period, at least one staff must be awake and on duty.(3) Adequate volume of registered professional nursing staff on duty to ensure the continuous provision of treatment services in accordance with their scope of practice.(4) Adequate volume of professional staff and qualified mental health staff, in addition to registered professional nursing staff, to ensure the continuous provision of the program's required treatment services in accordance with their scope of practice.N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 14 § 589.8
Amended New York State Register June 26, 2019/Volume XLI, Issue 26, eff. 6/26/2019