Part 43 - Coin-operated Machines
- Section 43.1 - Finding of necessity
- Section 43.2 - Title and citation
- Section 43.3 - Application
- Section 43.4 - Definitions
- Section 43.5 - General safety requirements
- Section 43.6 - Moving parts
- Section 43.7 - Fixed enclosures
- Section 43.8 - Sharp projections or edges
- Section 43.9 - Firm installation
- Section 43.10 - Electrical wiring and components
- Section 43.11 - Insulation and grounding
- Section 43.12 - Tripping hazard
- Section 43.13 - Slipping hazards
- Section 43.14 - Hot surfaces
- Section 43.15 - Dry cleaning machines-general requirements
- Section 43.16 - Dry cleaning machines-ventilation
- Section 43.17 - Dry cleaning machines-solvent and residue handling
- Section 43.18 - Dry cleaning machines-attendants and notices
- Section 43.19 - Plastic injection molding machines
- Section 43.20 - Car washing machines
- Section 43.21 - Laundry washing machines
- Section 43.22 - Laundry dryers
- Section 43.23 - Presses
- Section 43.24 - Inspections
- Section 43.25 - Severability