Part 21 - Protection Of Persons Employed At Window Cleaning-structural Requirements, Equipment And Procedures
- Section 21.0 - Finding of fact
- Section 21.1 - Application
- Section 21.2 - Definitions
- Section 21.3 - General provisions
- Section 21.4 - Authorized means and methods
- Section 21.5 - Working from safe surfaces or cleaning from the inside
- Section 21.6 - Working from window sills or ledges
- Section 21.7 - Working from ladders
- Section 21.8 - Working from boatswain's chairs
- Section 21.9 - Working from scaffolds
- Section 21.10 - Authorized installation of anchors
- Section 21.11 - Specifications for safety belts
- Section 21.12 - Test requirements for safety belts
- Section 21.13 - Specifications for anchors and anchor fastenings
- Section 21.14 - Existing installations of approved anchors
- Section 21.15 - Approvals and variations
- Section 21.16 - Severability