N.M. Admin. Code §
All orders obtained by the IV-D agency must include a provision for medical support for the minor child(ren). For the purposes of the IV-D program reporting, medical support includes any one of the following: private health insurance, public health care coverage (health, dental, or vision), provided by a public entity (medicaid), coverage through Indian health services (IHS), the defense enrollment eligibility reporting services (DEERS), cash medical support, or a percentage split of uncovered medical expenses for the minor child(ren). Determination of a reasonable cash medical support obligation is pursuant to 45 CFR § 303.31(a)(3). If the child(ren) are covered by IHS, the IV-D agency will request that private care coverage or health care coverage provided by a public entity (medicaid) be provided by either or both parties, when available. If the non-custodial parent provides health care coverage and changes employment, and the new employer provides health care coverage, the IV-D agency must transfer notice of the provision to the new employer. The IV-D agency must request the inclusion of a medical support provision even when employment-related or other group health care coverage is not available or when the child(ren) cannot be added at the time the order is entered. Health care coverage provided by a public entity meets the standards required under the Mandatory Medical Support Act and either party can be deemed a medical support obligor if they meet eligibility requirements for health care coverage through a public entity (medicaid). The cost of health care coverage is calculated by determining the amount charged to the medical support obligor for adding the minor child(ren) to the existing coverage, or the difference between individual and family coverage. The reasonableness of the cost of the health care coverage is if the cost to the party responsible for providing medical support does not exceed five percent of their gross income pursuant to 45 CFR § 303.31(a)(b). The IV-D agency may request the provision of health care coverage by either or both the custodial party and the non-custodial parent and that the parties should be responsible for any uncovered medical expenses in proportion to their incomes on the current child support worksheet. If the court does not enter an order for medical support, the IV-D case record must specify that a provision for medical support was requested but was not issued, in accordance with 45 CFR § 303.31(b)(1-4).
N.M. Admin. Code §