Dialysis facilities must submit claims for reimbursement on the UB-92 claim form or its successor. Physicians must submit for reimbursement on the CMS-1500 claim form or its successor. See 8.302.2 NMAC, Billing for Medicaid Services.
The facility's composite rate reimbursement is a comprehensive payment for all in facility and home dialysis services. Providers cannot bill separately for services inclusive of the composite rate, as defined by medicare, even though payment is made at the medicaid fee schedule. Physicians services are not included in the facilities composite rate. Physicians may bill for their professional services according to the policies and procedures outlined in the 8.310.2 NMAC, Medical Services Providers. Laboratory procedures and radiology procedures that are not part of the facilities composite rate, as defined by medicare, may be billed separately.
N.M. Admin. Code § 8.325.2.16