N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - CORRECTIVE ACTION AND COMPLAINT INVESTIGATIONSA. CYFD promptly investigates complaints received or irregularities noted in conjunction with the operation of the Program and takes appropriate action to correct any irregularity or deficiency. CYFD maintains a file of all such investigations and related actions taken.B. Whenever CYFD observes violations during the course of a site review, the sponsor is required to take corrective action. A high level of meal service violations requires specific immediate corrective action to be followed by the sponsor. CYFD conducts a follow-up visit to assess if specified corrective action has been taken.C. CYFD may terminate the participation of a sponsor site if the sponsor fails to take action to correct Program violations cited in a state agency review report within the time frames established by the corrective action plan.D. CYFD immediately terminates the participation of a sponsor's site if, during a review, a determination is made that the health or safety of the participating children is imminently threatened. If the site is vended, CYFD notifies the food service management company providing meals to the site within 48 hours of the termination action.E. Except for residential camps, sponsors are restricted to one meal service per day when any food service site is determined to be in violation of the time restrictions for meal service and corrective action is not taken within a reasonable time as determined by CYFD.
F. Sponsors who fail to plan, prepare or order meals with the objective of serving only one meal per child per site at each meal service may result in CYFD disallowing the number of meals prepared or ordered in excess of the number of children normally served at each site.G. Meal service violations observed during the conduct of an site review may result in disallowance of all meals observed to be in violation and served to children.H. CYFD disallows meals which are served in excess of a site's approved level.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp 8 NMAC 2.3.12, 11-30-01