N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - RIGHT TO APPLYA. Each individual shall have the opportunity to apply for public assistance programs administered by the HCA or to have an authorized representative do so on their behalf. Paper application forms must be readily accessible in the ISD local office lobby and provided to any person who requests the form. Applications are made in a format prescribed by the HCA to include paper forms or electronic submissions. ISD will post signs in local field offices which explain the application processing standards and the right to file an application on the day of initial contact.B. An individual who requests information or assistance and who wishes to apply, shall be encouraged to complete an application the same day that contact is made with the office. (1) An individual shall be informed that the date of application affects the benefit amount.(2) An individual shall be informed that an incomplete application may be filed as long as the form has the applicant's name and address and is signed by a responsible household member or authorized representative.(3) An interview shall not be required before filing an application.(4) A household shall be informed, except for a SNAP requirement, that any disadvantages or requirements for applying for or receiving cash assistance do not apply to SNAP and that receiving SNAP shall have no bearing on any other program's time limits that may apply to the household.(5) If an individual contacts the office by phone or mail and does not wish to come to the office to pick up an application the individual will be mailed an application the same day the office is contacted and offered the option of submitting an electronic application through the YES-New Mexico web portal.C. SSI applicants: (1) Whenever a household consists only of SSI applicants or recipients, the household has the right to apply for SNAP benefits and to transact all SNAP business at a social security administration (SSA) office, provided it has not applied for SNAP benefits in the preceding 30 days or does not have a SNAP application pending at a local ISD office. (a) Such applications are considered filed for normal processing purposes when the signed application is received by SSA.(b) SSA is required to forward every application to the appropriate ISD office within one working day of receipt.(c) SSI clients are not required to see ISD or be otherwise subjected to a second interview, although additional information or verification may be requested.(2) SSI/SNAP prerelease applications: A resident of a public institution who applies for SSI prior to release from the institution under the social security administration (SSA) prerelease program for the institutionalized shall be permitted to apply for SNAP benefits at the same time the individual applies for SSI. The SNAP application shall be processed at a local ISD office in accordance with Paragraph (1) of Subsection C of NMAC above and with the following processing and timeliness standards for joint SSI/SNAP prerelease applications. (a) Application date: (i) When a resident of an institution files a joint application for SSI and SNAP benefits with SSA prior to release from the institution, the date of application for filing purposes at the local ISD office shall be the date of release.(ii) An application shall be denied upon receipt if the applicant is not otherwise eligible, except for the resident of an institution provision as found at Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph (2) of Subsection C of NMAC and Subsection A and B of 8.139.400.13 NMAC.(b) Normal processing standard:(i) An application shall be processed as soon as possible and the applicant afforded an opportunity to participate no later than 30 days from the date of release from the institution.(ii) Benefits for the initial month of certification shall be prorated from the date of the month the applicant is released from the institution.(c) Expedited service: An applicant who qualifies for expedited service shall receive benefits no later than the seventh calendar day following the applicant's release from the institution.(d) Categorical eligibility: A potential categorically eligible applicant shall not be considered as such until the individual has been released from the institution and SSA has made a final SSI eligibility determination.(e) Restored benefits: SSA must notify the local ISD office of the date of the applicant's release from the institution. If for any reason notification is not provided on a timely basis, ISD shall only restore SNAP benefits retroactively to the date of release.D. Authorized representatives:(1) Designation: The head of the household or the spouse or any other responsible member of the household may designate an individual who is a non-household member to act on its behalf in:(a) applying for SNAP benefits; or(b) obtaining SNAP benefits; or(c) using the SNAP benefits. (i) ISD shall obtain a copy of the household's written authorization for the authorized representative and maintain it in the household's case record. No limit shall be placed on the number of households an authorized representative may represent; however, each household may only have one authorized representative at a time.(ii) Even if the household member is able to make application and obtain benefits, the household should be encouraged to name an authorized representative to use the SNAP benefits in case illness or other circumstances prevent household members from using the benefits themselves.(iii) The authorized representative's identity shall be verified and a copy of the document maintained in the household's case file.(2) Liability of households: The head of the household or spouse should prepare or review the household's application whenever possible, even though another household member or the authorized representative will actually be interviewed. The household is liable for any over-issuances resulting from incorrect or untrue information given by the authorized representative.(3) Application: When the head of the household or spouse cannot apply, another adult member may do so, or an adult who is not a member of the household may be designated as the authorized representative. Nonmember adults shall be designated as authorized representatives for certification purposes only if they are:(a) designated in writing by the head of the household, or spouse, or another responsible member of the household; and(b) sufficiently aware of relevant household circumstances to represent it.(4) Changing authorized representative: An authorized representative may be designated at the time an application is completed; the authorized representative shall be named on the identification (ID) card. This does not preclude the right of the household to make a designation after it has made application to the program. If a household develops a need for a representative, or needs to change the authorized representative before, during, or after the certification process, a new authorized representative may be appointed and a new ID card shall be issued to the household. The authorized representative designated to apply for the household may be the same individual who obtains or uses the benefits for the household, or may be a different individual.(5) Using SNAP benefits: The authorized representative may use the SNAP benefits to purchase food for the household's consumption with the household's full knowledge and consent, provided that the authorized representative has the household's ID card.(6) Kinds of authorized representatives: (a) Emergency authorized representatives: (i) An emergency authorized representative is someone who obtains benefits for a particular month when the household is unable to obtain the benefits because of unforeseen circumstances.(ii) A household may designate in writing, on a one-time basis, an emergency authorized representative.(iii) The household member whose signature is on the household's ID card must sign a designation authorizing the emergency authorized representative to obtain the benefits.(b) Non-household members: If the only adult living with a household is classified as an excluded household member or nonmember, that individual may be the authorized representative for the minor members who are eligible.(c) Addiction treatment centers:(i) Residents of public or private, nonprofit drug or alcohol treatment centers must apply and be certified for program participation through the use of an authorized representative who is an employee of, and designated by, the organization or institution administering the treatment and rehabilitation program.(ii) The drug or alcohol treatment center, which acts as authorized representative for residents of the facility, must use SNAP benefits for food prepared by and served to the center residents, and is responsible for complying with requirements governing treatment centers.(d) Group homes:(i) A resident of a group living arrangement may apply for SNAP benefits and be certified through use of an authorized representative employed and designated by the group home; or on the resident's own behalf; or through an authorized representative of the applicant's choice.(ii) A resident of a group home does not have to be certified through an authorized representative or individually in order for one or the other method to be used.(iii) The facility is responsible for determining if any resident may apply for benefits on the resident's own behalf. The decision should be based on the resident's physical and mental ability to handle their own affairs. The facility is also encouraged to consult with any other agencies of the state providing other services to such a resident prior to this determination.(iv) Applications shall be accepted for any individual applying as a one-person household, or for any grouping of residents applying as a household.(v) If a resident applies through a facility's authorized representative, the resident's eligibility shall be determined as a one- person household.(vi) If a resident is certified on the resident's own behalf, the benefits may either be returned to the facility to be used to purchase food for meals served either communally or individually to eligible residents; used by eligible residents to purchase and prepare food for their own consumption; and used to purchase meals prepared and served by the facility.(7) Disqualification as authorized representative: (a) Any authorized representative who misrepresents a household's circumstances and knowingly provides false information pertaining to a household, or has made improper use of SNAP benefits, shall be disqualified from participating as an authorized representative for up to one year.(b) ISD shall be required to send written notification to the affected household(s) and the authorized representative 30 days prior to the date of disqualification. The notification must specify the final action; the reason for the final action; the right to request a fair hearing; the telephone number of the office; and, if possible, the name of the person to contact for additional information.(c) This provision is not applicable to drug or alcoholic treatment centers and to those group homes that act as authorized representatives for their residents.(8) Restrictions: HCA employees involved in the certification or issuance process, and retailers who are authorized to accept benefits, cannot act as authorized representatives without the specific written approval of the ISD county director, and then only if the county director determines that no one else is available to serve as an authorized representative. Individuals disqualified for fraud cannot act as authorized representatives during the period of disqualification, unless the disqualified individual is the only adult member of the household able to act on its behalf and only if the county director has determined that no one else is available to serve as an authorized representative. The county director shall decide separately whether such individuals are needed to apply on behalf of the household and use the benefits to purchase food.N.M. Admin. Code §
02/01/95, 06/01/95; NMAC - Rn, 8 NMAC 3.FSP.111, 5/15/2001; A, 2/14/2002; A, 7/15/2013, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 04, February 28, 2017, eff. 3/1/2017, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, July 16, 2024, eff. 7/16/2024