N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - TIME LIMITSA. Opportunity to participate: ISD shall provide eligible households that complete the initial application process an opportunity to participate as soon as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days following the date the application was filed, except for residents of public institutions who apply jointly for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to release from the institution in accordance with Paragraph (2) of Subsection C of NMAC. Residents of institutions who apply for SNAP benefits prior to their release from the institution will be provided the opportunity to participate as soon as possible but no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the applicant's release from the institution.B. Move during eligibility determination: When an office that is processing an application for assistance learns that the applicant has moved to another county, that office will immediately transfer the case in pending status. The application will be processed by the new office using the original registration date from the first office.C. Withdrawing the application: An applicant may voluntarily withdraw their application at any time prior to the determination of eligibility. A notice will be sent advising the household of the action taken. An applicant will be advised that withdrawal of their application has no effect on their right to apply for assistance in the future. The agency will document the reason for withdrawal, if any was given.D. Delayed eligibility determinations: (1) Establishing cause for delay: When an application for SNAP is not processed by the end of the 30 day time limit, a determination as to whether the delay is the fault of the applicant or ISD will be made.(2) Applicant delays: A delay is the fault of the applicant if they have failed to complete the application process. ISD will send the household a delay notice on the 30th day in accordance with 7 CFR 273.2(h), after the application is filed when the interview has not been held by the 30th day and the appointment has been rescheduled beyond the 30th day. The notice will inform the applicant that all changes in circumstances since the application was filed must be reported. ISD must have taken the following actions, as appropriate, before the delay can be considered the fault of the household:(a) For applicants who have failed to complete the application form, ISD must have offered, or attempted to offer, assistance in its completion.(b) For applicants who have failed to provide complete verification, ISD must have provided the household with a statement of required verification, offered assistance as required, and allowed the household sufficient time to provide the missing verification. Sufficient time is at least 10 days from the date of ISD's initial request for the particular verification that is missing.(c) For applicants who have failed to appear for an interview ISD must notify the applicant that it missed the scheduled interview and that the applicant is responsible for rescheduling a missed interview. If the applicant contacts ISD by the 30th day following the date of application, ISD must schedule a second interview. If the applicant fails to schedule a second interview or the subsequent interview is postponed at the applicant's request or cannot otherwise be rescheduled until after the 20th day but before the 30th day following the date the application was filed, the applicant must appear for the interview, bring verification, and register household members for work by the 30th day following date of application. Otherwise, the delay is the fault of the applicant.(d) If the applicant has failed to appear for the first interview, fails to schedule a second interview, or the subsequent interview is postponed at the applicant's request until after the 30th day following the date the application is filed, the delay shall be the fault of the applicant. If the applicant has missed both scheduled interviews and requests another interview, any delay shall be the fault of the applicant.(e) If one or more members of the household have failed to register for work in accordance with 7 CFR 273.7, ISD must have informed the household of the need to register for work, determined if the household members are exempt from work registration, and given the household at least 10 days from the date of notification to register these members.(3) Denial of the household application: Applicants that are found to be ineligible shall be sent a denial notice as soon as possible but not later than 30 days following the date the application was filed. If the applicant has failed to appear for a scheduled interview and has made no subsequent contact with ISD, ISD shall send a denial notice on the 30th day following the date of application. The applicant must file a new application if they wish to participate in the program. In cases where ISD was able to conduct an interview and request all the necessary verification on the same day the application was filed, and no subsequent requests for verification were made, ISD may also deny the application on the 30th day, if ISD provided assistance to the applicant in obtaining verification, but the applicant failed to provide the requested verification.(4) ISD delays: Delays that are the fault of ISD include, but are not limited to, cases where ISD fails to provide the required assistance, fails to observe time limits, fails to schedule timely interviews, or fails to provide other proper procedural help to the applicant. ISD is at fault when the applicant has met their obligations in a timely manner, but ISD fails to complete the application process in a timely manner. (a) Action on ISD delays: If the delay in the initial 30-day period is caused by ISD, ISD will take immediate corrective action and the application will not be denied. The applicant will be notified that the application is pending and informed of any action to take to complete the application process, including reporting any changed circumstances since the application was filed. ISD will send the applicant a notice of delay in accordance with 7 CFR 273.2(h).(b) Retroactive benefit rights: If the applicant is found to be eligible during the second 30-day period, the household is entitled to benefits retroactive to the date of application.(c) Denial of an application: If the household is determined ineligible, the application will be denied and a notice sent no later than the 60th day after the application was filed, or the following work day if the 60th day falls on a weekend or holiday.(5) ISD action on applicant delays:(a) If by the 30th day ISD cannot take any further action on the application due to the fault of the applicant, the applicant shall lose its entitlement to benefits for the month of application and a denial notice will be sent.(b) ISD shall give the applicant an additional 30 days to take the required action. If the applicant takes the required action within 60 days following the date the application was filed, ISD shall reopen the case without requiring a new application.(c) If the applicant fails to provide requested verification by the 60th day, no further action is required by ISD.(d) If the applicant was at fault for the delay in the first 30 day period, but is found to be eligible during the second 30 day period, benefits shall be provided only from the month following the month of application.(6) Delays beyond 60 days: (a) ISD delays: (i) If ISD is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, and the record is otherwise complete, the application process will be continued until an eligibility determination is accomplished.(ii) If the household is determined eligible, and ISD was at fault for the delay in the initial 30 days, the household shall receive SNAP benefits retroactive to the date of original application, but only for those months that it is determined eligible.(iii) If ISD is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, but the case record is not complete enough to reach an eligibility determination, the application will be denied and the household advised to file a new application. The household shall be advised of possible entitlement to lost benefits caused by an ISD delay.(iv) If ISD was at fault for the delay in the initial 30-day period, the amount of lost benefits will be calculated from the date of application.(b) Household delays: (i) If the household is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, the application will be denied and the household will be required to file a new application, if it still wishes to participate in the program. The household shall not be entitled to any lost benefits even if the delay in the initial 30 days was the fault of ISD.(ii) If the initial delay was the household's fault, the household will receive SNAP benefits retroactive only to the month following the month of application.N.M. Admin. Code §
02/01/95, 06/01/95; NMAC - Rn, 8 NMAC 3.FSP.115, 5/15/2001, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 04, February 28, 2017, eff. 3/1/2017, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 22, November 27, 2018, eff. 12/1/2018, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXV, Issue 13, July 16, 2024, eff. 7/16/2024