Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - DEFINITIONSA."Case plan" means a plan created jointly with clients for a child, youth, parent, guardian, custodian or respondent that identifies the appropriate services based on the needs identified to achieve the child's or youth's permanency plan and to promote the safety and well-being of each child or youth. B."Chafee Act" refers to the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, which allows states to provide services and funds to youth likely to age out of foster care, youth adopted after the age of 16 from the foster care system, and youth who have aged out of foster care at the age of 18. C."Discharge hearing" is a hearing required by the New Mexico Children's Code, Section 32A-4-25.3 NMSA 1978, which takes place at the last judicial review or permanency hearing held prior to the youth's 18th birthday. At the discharge hearing the court reviews the youth's transition plan and determines whether or not PSD has made reasonable efforts to meet the requirements outlined in the New Mexico Children's Code, Section 32A-4-25.3(B) NMSA 1978. (See herein at NMAC)D."Education and training voucher (ETV) program" is a Chafee Act program that provides financial assistance to eligible youth who are enrolled in an accredited post-secondary educational setting.E."FACTS" is the family automated client tracking system, PSD's information management system.F."Fictive kin" is a person not related by birth or marriage who has an emotionally significant relationship with the child.G."Foster care provider" refers to a person or entity licensed by CYFD, licensed by another state's child welfare agency, or a licensed child placement agency to provide foster care services including respite, non-relative, relative, or treatment foster care.H."Leaders uniting voices youth advocates of New Mexico" or "LUVYANM" is a non-governmental youth advocacy and advisory board composed of youth from around the state that represent current and former foster care youth. The board evaluates policies and practices of the child welfare system and advocates for system improvements. LUVYANM educates other youth, resource families, child welfare workers and the general public on issues related to youth in foster care.I."Life skills" are the skills that a youth must develop to safely transition into adulthood, as identified in the independent living assessment discussed herein at NMAC.J. "National youth transition database (NYTD)" is a database, required by the Chafee Act. It tracks and reports on both services provided to and outcomes for older youth.K."Permanency planning worker (PPW)" has primary responsibility for youth in custody and works in collaboration with the youth transition specialist (YTS) (herein defined at Subsection T of NMAC) to promote the safety, permanency and well-being for the youth, promote positive youth development, and assist the youth in successfully transitioning into adult living.L."Planned permanent living arrangement (PPLA)" is a permanency plan established by the court for a youth in PSD custody who is age 16 or older once reunification, adoption, permanency guardianship and placement with a ft and willing relative have been ruled out.M."Positive youthdevelopment" is a set of practices in working with youth to provide the necessary supports as they build their capacities and strengths to meet their personal and social needs. Youth are viewed as partners in working toward a successful transition to adulthood.N."PSD" refers to the protective services division of the children, youth and families department, and is the state's designated child welfare agency.O."PSD custody" means custody of children as a result of an action filed under the New Mexico Children's Code, Sections 32A-4-1 or 32A-3B-1 NMSA 1978.P."Sex or human trafficking" consists of a child or youth who may have experienced being recruited, solicited, enticed, harbored, exploited or transported by another person whose intent is to exploit or use force, fraud, manipulation or coercion to subject the child or youth into labor, services or sexual activity.Q."Start-up funds" are funds available through the Chafee Act to assist eligible youth in purchasing the household items and services needed to establish a home or to support the youth's transition into adulthood.R."Transition plan" refers to the plan developed with the youth prior to the youth's 17th birthday to identify a youth's needs, strengths and goals in the areas of safety, housing, education, employment or income, physical and mental health, local opportunities for mentors and continuing support services.S."Youth" for the purposes of 8.10.9 NMAC, means youth age 14 and older in the legal custody of PSD through and abuse and neglect petition or family in need of services petition filed under the New Mexico Children's Code, Sections 32A-4-1 or 32A-3B-1 NMSA 1978.T."Youth services" means any independent living or transition service arranged or provided by a YTS (in collaboration with permanency planning services) to a youth in custody, a youth who has aged out of foster care at age 18, or a youth who was adopted after the age of 16 in order to promote the safety of the youth, promote positive youth development, and assist the youth in successfully transitioning into adult living.U."Youth transition specialist (YTS)" is a PSD worker who works in conjunction with the PPW with regard to all youth in custody age 14 or older, including youth age 18 who remain under the jurisdiction of the court, and youth who were adopted at age 16 and older. The YTS has primary responsibility for youth who have aged out of foster care at age 18 and are working with PSD on a voluntary basis.N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 3/31/10, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 18, September 29, 2015, eff. 9/29/2015